chapter 25

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Kyle's pov

I woke up after crying myself to sleep the night before. I got up to get ready for school, when I started to feel anxiously sick again. I quickly ran to the bathroom, throwing up.

"What's wrong Kyle?" My dad asked, coming up behind me.

"I just feel sick." I told him.

"Why don't you just go get back into bed," my dad said, "just don't let your mom know I'm letting you stay home."

"Thanks dad." I said weakly, going back to my room.

I wasn't gonna tell my dad that I actually just got sick from anxiety thinking about facing my now ex boyfriend. Wow. I can't believe Stan is actually an ex..I really do love him.

Stan's pov

I did not sleep well last night. This whole thing with Kyle was messing me up. I really do love him, but I think breaking up with him was the right decision. I'll never get that image of him and Kenny out of my head.

I stopped at my locker before first period like usual, when Wendy came up to me.

"Hey Stan, are you okay?" She asked.

Why the fuck did she have to ask that?

And of course since she asked that, I lost it. Started crying right there.

"I'm sorry," Wendy quickly said, "you just looked sad so I wanted to see if you were okay, but I guess not...."

"No, I'm really not." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked, "You can tell me anything."

"Well.... Kyle and I broke up." I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Aw I'm so sorry to hear that." Wendy said sympathetically.

"Like I'm the one who ended things," I started, "but it still really hurts."

"Obviously I'm not gonna ask cause it's not my business, but just ask yourself if the reason you broke up with him is that big of an issue, or if it's something you can get past." She said to me.

I was thinking about it for a minute, then I saw Kenny, making my blood boil.

"No," I slammed my locker shut, "I can't get past it."

I was anxious to see Kyle again. Was he gonna try to talk to me? Or was he gonna ignore me? I was kinda surprised that I didn't see him in first period, but also kind of glad. Seeing him might make this harder.

The bad thing about dating your best friend is that you'll most likely lose them if you break up. I just didn't think there would ever be a reason that I didn't want to be with Kyle.

Kenny's pov

I saw Stan today but I haven't seen Kyle at all. I could tell for sure that Stan was very upset today, it was obvious why. I definitely caused problems in his and Kyle's relationship.

During lunch, I decided that I would try to talk to Stan. He wasn't sitting with us like usual, he was sitting with Wendy. I'm sure he just didn't want to see me.

"Wonder why Stan isn't sitting with us." Craig said.

"Yeah, it's kinda weird that he's sitting with his ex," Clyde started, "like I know they're good friends now, but it's weird cause he never sits with her."

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I said, getting up.

I walked over to his table, nervous of how this would go.

"Um, Stan?"

He looked up at me, anger clear in his eyes, "I'm not talking to you."

"Please, just one minute." I asked.

Stan sighed, "One minute."

Stan got up, and he followed me out into the empty hallway.

"Listen Sta-"

I was interrupted by Stan punching me in the face.

"Okay, I deserved that," I said, holding onto my face, "but please just let me explain, Kyle and I used to have a thing, but he ended it so he could be with you. We were just talking and he was saying that he wanted us to forget everything that happened. I still had slight feelings for him, and I just wasn't thinking right. But I'm the one who kissed him, so please don't be mad at Kyle.

"I'm not mad at Kyle," Stan said, "I'm just done with him, and I'm done with you too."

"You're done with him?" I asked, "You broke up with him?"

"Yeah, and its your fault!" He said harshly.

"Stan, he said he wanted to forget everything that happened cause he didn't want to hurt you because he loves you." I told him.

The bell rang, and Stan just walked away from me.

I fucked up more than I thought.

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