chapter 19

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Kenny's pov

  Kyle was in love with me?  Is he still in love with me? I didn't know what to think. Was I in love with him? I think I might've been at one point...

I have no idea what to do with that information. I don't even know how to feel. But I do have a headache. I think I need to just go to bed.

  The next day, I tried to call Kyle but got no response. Why did he have to come over here and confess that to me? Why did he have to confuse me?

Kyle's pov

  I woke up the next day to Kenny calling me. Ugh. I have to face him sooner or later, but I choose later. I ignored his call, and called Stan instead.

  "Hey Ky, what's up?" He answered.

  "Hey, is it okay if I come over?" I asked him.

  "Of course it is babe, I'll see you soon." He said.

  I arrived at his house, and knocked on his door, before he answered.

  "Hey." Stan smiled.

  "Hi." I smiled back, immediately pulling him into a kiss, "Are you home alone right now ?"

  "Yeah, I am." He said.

  "Wanna go up to your room?" I asked.

  "Oh definitely." Stan smirked.


"So Kyle, did you just like wake up horny or something?" Stan laughed, making me do the same.

  I just felt guilty. I don't think I'm still in love with Kenny, but I still feel bad about everything.

  "I just wanted to see you," I started, "and you just look really hot and I wanted to take advantage of an empty house."

  "Yeah that is a good point," Stan agreed, "and for me looking hot, I just rolled out of bed."

  "Yeah, but you always look hot no matter what." I told him.

  "That's fair, cause I think you always look hot too." He kissed my forehead.

  "Stan...I feel like I haven't really been a good boyfriend lately, and I'm sorry for that." I said to him.

"Hey, you have been a good boyfriend." He reassured me.

"Well, I know I've been kinda off lately, but I hope you know that I really do like you, so much." I told Stan.

"I feel the same about you," Stan began, ", I love you."


  I didn't know what to say.

"I'm not telling you so that you'll say it back," Stan quickly said, "I just wanted you to know."

  "Um okay," I gave him a small smile, "thanks for telling me."

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