chapter 28

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Butters pov

It was Saturday afternoon, and my parents were just leaving the house.

"You behave yourself Butters." My mom said.

  "I will mom!" I said.

  They left, and I immediately called Kenny.

"Hey babe," he answered, "your parents leave?"

"Yep! You can come over now!" I told him.

"Be right there!"

Kenny was helping me set up for my birthday party tonight and I wanted to make sure we had enough time.


  "Kenny.. do you think it's weird that I invited Kyle?" I asked him.

  "Well uh.... I mean, he's your friend," Kenny started, "and everything was my fault, not Kyle's."

  "Do you think he'll come?" I asked.

  "I'm not sure," Kenny shrugged, "I'd be surprised if Stan came too knowing that I'd be here."

Kyle's pov

I was in my room Friday night, debating on whether or not I should sneak out and go to Butters' party. It would be awkward to see Kenny and Butters, and it would hurt seeing Stan.

  But I do need to get out of this house, and Stan probably won't go. I waited until 9:00 and my parents went to sleep, and quietly left my house.


  Once I got there, I was greeted by Clyde and Craig.

  "Hey dude, you doing okay?" Clyde asked, "I haven't seen you at lunch, and whenever I do see you, you seem to be upset about something."

  "Well, Stan and I broke up." I told them.

  "Damn, sorry dude." Craig said.

  "How do you and Tweek manage to stay together this long?" I asked Craig.

  "Honestly, I have no idea," Craig shrugged, "I guess we just love each other enough that we can get through anything. Maybe you should try talking to Stan."

  Right after Craig saw that, I saw Stan over Craig's shoulder a few feet away.

"No thanks, I think I'd rather just drink my feelings." I said.

"Whatever works out for you." Craig said.

Stan's pov

  I decided to go to Butters party. He's not the one mad at, we're both innocent in this whole situation.

I was looking for Butters so I could tell him happy birthday, but Kenny hasn't left his side. I was mostly just hanging out with Wendy, when I saw Kyle.

What's he doing here? Isn't he grounded? Did he sneak out?

"What are you looking at?" Wendy asked.

"Kyle's here." I told her, motioning to him.

"I thought you said he wouldn't be here cause he's grounded?" Wendy asked.

"I guess he snuck out." I said.

I was watching Kyle all night, and noticed he was drinking a lot. That's unlike him. I'm sure it's because of me, so I felt kind of guilty.

  "Stan, you should really just make up with him," Wendy began, "you obviously still care about Kyle if you can't keep your eyes off of him."

  "He's drinking a lot," I started, "I just wanna make sure he's okay."

  "My point exactly." Wendy said.

  A couple hours later, I saw Kyle walking out the door, waving bye with his keys in his hand.

  "Wait, is Kyle driving himself home?" Wendy asked.

  "Shit..." I sighed, "I have to go after him."

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