chapter 30

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Kyle's pov

  I woke up, curled up to Stan as he had his arms around me. This definitely isn't how we fell asleep.

  I just looked at Stan, admiring him. I decided to close my eyes, and lay my head against his chest. I wanted to enjoy this moment for as long as I could. After a few minutes, I felt Stan tighten his hold around me before kissing the top of my head. I opened my eyes, looking up at him, as Stan ran his fingers through my hair.

"Ky.... I can't stand not being with you..." he sighed, "what if....what if we just forget about all if this and get back together?"

"You really want to?" I asked, hopeful.

Stan was quiet for a moment before speaking, "You promise me that you don't have feelings for Kenny?"

"I promise. All those feelings are definitely gone," I told him, "I love you, and only you."

"I love you too." Stan smiled, pressing his lips to mine in a long kiss.

  Stan got on top of me as we made out, only for our moment to be interrupted by my phone ringing. I tried to ignore it, but it just keep ringing.

  "You might as well just see who it is." Stan sighed, getting off of me.

  "Shit..." Kyle said, "its my mom and I'm grounded.."

  "Oh right..." Stan said.

  "Yeah mom?" I answered my phone.

  "Where are you Kyle?" My mom asked angrily, "You better not be with that boy!"

  "No mom, I'm not with Stan," I lied, "I just woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep so just went for a drive."

  "Grounded means you can't go anywhere but school!" She said, "Come home now!"

  I sighed, hanging up. "I gotta go."

  "Yeah, I heard her," Stan started, "I'll take you to go get your car."


  We just got to Butters house so I could get my car.

  "Stan, I started to remember last night, and thanks for not letting me drive." I said to him.

  "You don't have to thank me, it was just the right thing to do." Stan smiled.

  "Guess I'll see you at school tomorrow." I smiled back.

  I was just about to open the car door, when Stan reached over, turning my face towards him, pulling me into a kiss.

  "Bye." He smiled.

  "Bye." I returned it.


  Stan and I are back together. I was feeling happy again.

  I walked through the front door, and thankfully my mom wasn't waiting for me.

Stan's pov

  I didn't care anymore, I missed Kyle like crazy, and I was so happy to be with him again. I'm so glad we were able to get through this because I wouldn't be able to stand being apart from him any longer.

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