chapter 22

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Kyle's pov

  I got to school the next day, hoping to avoid Kenny for as long as possible. But I walked into the school, seeing him instantly. He saw me too, but I quickly walked over to Stan, hoping that he wouldn't come up to me if I was with my boyfriend.

  "Hey babe." I smiled at Stan.

  "Hey." He smiled kissing me.

  Stan pulled away, and I immediately pulled him back in, initiating a small makeout session.

"Woah babe," Stan lightly laughed, "we're in the middle of the hallway."

"Sorry, just can't get enough of you." I winked.

  "Then maybe I can come over later?" Stan asked.

  "You can't," I sighed, "I'm grounded for staying out past curfew."

"Sorry babe," Stan sighed, "that's all my fault."

  "I don't blame you Stan," I told him, "I chose to stay over at your house."

"Well, maybe we can go out to my car during lunch?" He smirked.

"Good idea." I also smirked.

  The bell rang, and we shared one more kiss before grabbing each other's hands and heading to our class.


It was now time for lunch, and I was walking towards the parking lot to meet up with Stan, when someone walked in front of me.


"Oh...hey Kenny.."

  "You can't keep avoiding me," Kenny said, "I think we should talk about what happened."

  "Why should we?" I asked, "I was just being stupid when I went over to your house, so let's just drop it, and forget it happened."

  I tried to walk past him, but Kenny grabbed my arm, stopping me.

  "Kyle, are you still in love with me?" He asked.

"N-no, no I'm not." I stuttered. I don't think I still am.

"You don't seem so sure." Kenny said.

"I'm not!" I quickly said, "I love Stan!"

"I think I was in love with you too..." Kenny told me, "I just felt like I wasn't good enough for you."

  "Kenny, please don't," I started, "all you're gonna do is confuse me."

"Would just forgetting it be the right thing?" He asked.

"Yes!" I told him, "I love Stan, and I don't want to hurt him, and I know you don't want to hurt Butters."

He sighed, "No, I really don't.."

  "Exactly," I said, "so let's just forget it all happened."

  Kenny moved closer to me, bringing a hand up to my face.

  "I'm sorry Kyle, I should've been honest with you."

  Before I knew what was happening, I felt Kenny's lips on mine. I'm not even sure who initiated it, I think we both did without even meaning to, pulling away as I heard a voice.



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