chapter 33

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Stan's pov

The next day at school, I was at my locker when Kyle approached me.

  "Hey." He smiled.

  "Hey." I returned it, kissing his lips.

" sure about forgiving Kenny?" He asked me.

  "Yeah." I gave him a small smile, grabbing his hand before we walked to class.


  It was lunch time now, and Kyle and I walked up to our friend's lunch table.

  "Kenny, can we talk?" I asked, making him look up.

"Uh...yeah, sure." He seemed surprised.

  He got up, and followed Kyle and I out to the hallway.

  "So Kenny," I began, "Kyle and I have decided to forgive you for what happened."

  "Really?" Kenny asked.

  "Yeah," Kyle told him, "Stan and I are back together, so we just wanna forget everything that happened."

"Did you tell Butters?" I asked Kenny.

  "Yeah, I told him last week." He told me.

  "How'd he take it?" Kyle asked.

  "Well we're still together so pretty well," Kenny shrugged, "I mean, it did hurt him so I will definitely have to make it up to him...but, we're good now? I really am sorry and I promise I don't have feelings for Kyle anymore."

"Yeah," I held my hand out to Kenny, "we're good."

He smiled, shaking it.

Kyle's pov

Stan and I were happily back together and stronger than ever. It also felt nice that we made amends with Kenny, I still did want to be friends. Kenny and Butters were doing really well too and were soon just as in love with each other as Stan and I are.

I'm so happy everything worked out.

The end.

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