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Kenny's pov

I was free. I graduated high school and I was so happy to be done with school.

I got a job and was able to get my own small apartment that wasn't big but just fine for me. Butters visited often, but was away at college with Stan and Kyle so I got lonely.

  Thankfully, Karen stayed with me a lot. She was over at my place way more than our parents place since they didn't even notice when she was gone.

But I just can't wait for Butters to graduate college so we can start our life together.

Kyle's pov

Stan and I stayed together all throughout college, thankfully with no problems and no breaking up this time.

Stan and I also would join Butters when he visited Kenny sometimes. I'm so glad we were able to put everything behind us and be friends again.

Butters' pov

I'm so happy being with Kenny. There's no one else in the world I'd want to be with and I can't imagine falling in love with anybody else.

  I told my parents about us right before I left for college. They were not at all happy. I'm not sure if it was because I'm with another boy, or because it's someone like Kenny. I'm sure it's both.

  Either way, they took me to college and then wanted nothing else to do with me. Thankfully Kenny said I can move with him after college graduation so I don't really care about my parents.

Stan's pov

As the years went on, Kyle and I fell more and more in love with each other. I could tell how much Kyle loved me and I could tell how much Butters and Kenny loved each other so I was able to fully forgive Kenny after awhile.

Life didn't turn out the way I expected it to at all, but it's way better than I could have imagined.

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