chapter 18

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Kyle's pov

The next day during lunch, Kenny told everyone about him and Butters.

"Butters and I are together." He smiled.

"How did that happen?" Craig asked.

"We've just been hanging out a lot lately and realized we both like each other." Butters explained.

"And well, he's really sweet, cute and a good kisser. Why not be with him?" Kenny winked at Butters.

"Well, I'm happy for you two." Stan smiled at them.

  The whole week, I was forced to watch Kenny and Butters be in a happy relationship. It was kind of killing me. I felt so guilty about it. I shouldn't be jealous of Butters for being with Kenny, Butters is my friend, and I'm with Stan, and I really like him.

  It was Friday now, so I went to Stan's house after school.

  "Ky, are you okay?" He asked me, as we were lying in his bed.

  "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

  "I don't know," he started, "you just seem like something has been bothering you all week."

"I'm fine babe," I faked a smile, "really."

Later that night after leaving Stan's house at 9:00, as long as I'm allowed to be over, I went home and threw myself on my bed. I can't stop thinking about Kenny. I got up, and made my way to his house.

Kenny's pov

  I just came home from a date with Butters. I was so happy with him already, I just wish it happened sooner.

I went to my room to lay down, when there was a knock on my door. I was just hoping someone else would get it, but it didn't happen. My parents are probably passed out from the booze anyway. I got up, answered the door, surprised when I saw Kyle.

"Oh, hey Kyle, what's up?" I asked.

"What is wrong with me?!" Kyle snapped.

  "What are you talking about?" I asked him, confused.

  "When I say I want a romantic relationship you're not relationship material but you'll date Butters?" He started, "If you didn't like me in that way you could've just told me!"

"Why do you even care?" I began, "You like Stan now."

"Yeah, but I was in love with you!"

Kyle's pov

  What am I doing?! This was definitely not a smart idea, I just let my feelings get the best of me.

  "You were in love with me?" Kenny asked.

I couldn't really read Kenny's face. He looked sad but also shocked. I started thinking about Stan. How would he felt if he knew about this?  Probably crushed.

"I...I'm sorry Kenny, let's just forget this happened, I'm sorry."

I quickly left his house. Why am I so stupid?!

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