chapter 31

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some mature content

Kyle's pov

  I was lying in my bed, when Stan called me.

  "Hey!" I smiled.

  "Hey babe," Stan said, "everything go okay?"

  "Yeah," I started, "thankfully I didn't have a lecture waiting for me."

  "I wish you didn't have to leave earlier." Stan sighed.

  "Me neither." I told him.

  "I really wish I could see you right now." Stan said.

  "So do I." I sighed.

  "You know what I would do if I was there?" Stan asked, and I knew he was smirking.

  "Why don't you tell me?" I smirked.

  "I'd run my fingers all through your curly hair..." Stan began, "kiss your neck, your collarbone, all down your chest..stopping right below your belly button.."

  "Then what?" I asked.

  "I'd remove your pants, loving how hard you were already because of me...I'd slide your boxers off, probably tease you, slowly stroking your dick....licking the tip until you begged for more.."

  "Fuck, I wish you were here." I told Stan.

  "Horny now, huh?" He lightly laughed.

  I can't deny that, feeling myself getting hard. Stan knew exactly what he was doing.

  "How about I sneak you in through my window?" I suggested.

  "I'll be there in five minutes." Stan said.


  Almost ten minutes later, Stan texted me.

Stan: look out ur window

  I did as he said, and saw Stan looking up, smiling, I smiled back, as he started climbing up the tree right next to the house. I got a little deja vu, thinking about when I would do this with Kenny. That was all behind me though, I love Stan, and he's all I want anymore.

  I opened the window, and Stan climbed through.

  "You're late." I said to him.

  "Don't blame me," he began, "I had to walk here in case your parents would see my car."

  I immediately pulled him into a kiss, as he started taking my shirt off.

  "Oh, wait!" I said, quickly walking over to my door and locking it.

  Stan walked closer to me, pushing me down on the bed, doing exactly what he said he would, leaving hickeys all over.

Stan's pov

  Fuck I missed being with Kyle. Not only sex, but just being with him in general. We were laying in his bed as I played with his hair, when there was knock on his door, making us both sit straight up.

  "Kyle?" Ike asked.

  "Uh...just a second!" Kyle called out, as we both struggled to get dressed quickly, "Just hide in the closet real quick." He whispered to me.

I hid in the closet, trying to keep quiet, but listened as Kyle opened the door.

"Lunch is ready." Ike said.

"Just tell mom and dad I'm not hungry." Kyle said

"What's going on?" Ike asked.

"What uh, what do you mean?" I could hear the panic in Kyle's voice.

"Who's up here with you?" Ike lightly laughed.

"No one!" Kyle lied.

"Then why is your hair all messy and clothes all disheveled?" Ike asked, "Speaking of which, your shirt is inside out."

  "Just tell mom and dad I'm not hungry." Kyle said.

"Okay," Ike lightly laughed, "just keep it down in here."

The door closed, and I walked out of the closet, "That was a close one."

"Yeah," Kyle sighed, "it was."

I wrapped my arms around Kyle, pulling him down into his bed with me.

"Let's just lay here for awhile babe." I kissed his forehead.

"Okay my love." Kyle smiled.

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