chapter 23

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Kyle's pov


Stan didn't say anything, but seeing how hurt he looked, knowing that I caused it, was killing me.

He quickly just walked away.

"Stan! Wait!"

I ran after him, leaving Kenny behind, but I lost him. I have no idea where he went. I quickly went out to the parking lot, got in my car and ditched the rest of the day.

  What the fuck is wrong with me? If I would've just talked to Kenny sooner instead of avoiding him, this never would've happened! I started to feel sick, so I pulled over, and opened my door to throw up. This is not good. My anxiety is through the roof, I just need to talk to Stan.

  My parents don't get home from work until after I get home from school, so I just went there and threw myself in my bed.

  My phone went off, and I was hoping it was Stan, but it was Kenny.

Kenny: Kyle i am so so sorry

Kenny: i really did not mean for that happen

Kenny: r u ok?

  I ignored him. I still felt sick, so I just laid down, falling asleep.

Stan's pov

  I was crushed. I didn't know what to think. What the hell was Kyle doing kissing Kenny? After I saw that, I hid out in the bathroom for the remainder of lunch. I was just sitting against the wall in the handicapped stall, silently crying to myself.

  The bell rang for fifth period, and I slowly got up and started to head there. But on the way, I knew that there was no way I'd be able to last. I decided to just ditch school.

Kenny's pov

  Fuck why am I so stupid?! I have no idea why I kissed Kyle, and I feel like shit knowing that Stan saw it. I also realized that I had to tell Butters. I have no idea how he is gonna react, but he's my boyfriend, and I have to be honest with him.

  I didn't see Stan or Kyle for the rest of the day. Were they both ditching?

  I met up with Butters in the parking lot at the end of the day so I could take him home.

  "Hey." Butters smiled.

  "Hey.." I gave him a small smile.

  "You okay Kenny?" He asked me.

  "Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.


  I just got to Butters' house, and I was about to tell him what happened.

  "Butters, I need to talk to you about something."

  "What is it?" He asked.

  "Um...well.." I tried, "I just...I know your birthday is coming up, and I just wanted to know what kind of gift you want."

  I will tell him. I just have no idea how to say it.

  "You don't have to get me anything," Butters smiled, " but if you really want to, I'd be fine with anything."

  "Okay." I half smiled.

  "Well, my parents will be home soon so I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Butters leaned over to kiss me.

  "Bye babe." I said to him.


  I just got home, and I felt like the biggest piece of shit ever. I need to talk to Butters about what happeded. Not only do I need to be honest with my boyfriend , but I'm worried about him finding out himself before I can tell him.

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