chapter 3

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Kyle's pov

  I was sitting across from Stan at the restaurant, and I felt really nervous. I don't know why though, we've been hanging out with each other almost our whole lives.

  "I'm actually kinda surprised that you agreed to this date." Stan told me.

  "Why's that?" I asked.

  "I just didn't think-wait, is that a hickey?" Stan asked.

I felt my face heat up, "Well uh...yeah.... I can't tell you who it was though..."

"Wasn't gonna ask cause it's not my business," Stan started, "but're not dating anyone are you?"

"No definitely not!" I quickly said, "It was just something that happened after getting drunk last night, but I'm definitely not dating that person."

"Well, yeah, you don't seem like the kind of person who would agree to a date while you're with someone." Stan shrugged.

"Moving on, what were you saying?" I asked, "Why are you surprised that I agreed to this date?"

"I thought you might think it was weird," Stan answered, "we've been best friends for 13 years."

"Well yeah, but I thought it could be fun." I smiled, making Stan do the same.

"I wanted to ask you out for awhile, so I'm glad I finally got the courage." Stan told me.

"Yeah, this is my first date in a looong time." I lightly laughed.

"You should be getting tons of dates with how cute you are." Stan winked.

I blushed, making him laugh.


"You were so lame with that fake yawn thing at the movies." I laughed, once we were back in my driveway, "If you wanted to put your arm around me, you could've just done it."

"I just always wanted to do that." Stan laughed, "But I had fun tonight."

"Yeah," I smiled, "me too."

Stan leaned over, kissing my cheek.

"Goodnight Kyle," he smiled, "I'll text you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Stan." I smiled, getting out of his car.


After a quick shower, I was ready for bed. I was lying down, when I heard a tapping noise. I got up and turned on the light, seeing Kenny at my window.

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