chapter 13

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Kenny's pov

The next day at school, I was anxious to see Butters. I decided to text him.

Kenny: hey! do u wanna meet up before 1st period?

Butters: sure! Im in the art room

Kenny: omw!

I made my way to the art room, smiling when I saw Butters.


Hey!" Butters returned the smile.

"What you working on?" I asked him.

"Nothing really," he shrugged, "just sketching."

"Wow," I said, looking over his shoulder, "that looks great."

Having a crush on Butters is so much worse than having a crush on Kyle. Not only can he also do better, but Butters is so innocent and sweet. There's no way I can do anything with him or lead him on in any way. I just looked at him as he drew, his cute little concentrated face...I really want to kiss him.

"So Butters," I started, "for lunch, do you want to meet up in here, just us two?"

"Sure," he smiled, "but why though?"

I shrugged. "I just like hanging out with you."

"So do I." Butters still smiled.

Butters pov

I was surprised, but also glad that Kenny wanted to hang out one on one some more. I think I like him. Kenny is definitely straight though, or else I'd think he'd like me too.

The day went on for too long. I was so excited when lunchtime came. I got to the art room and sat a table, eating my lunch from home while I waited for Kenny.

Kenny's pov

I've been thinking about it all day, and think I'm gonna tell Butters that I like him. While I was too scared to try anything with Kyle, I regretted it since someone else took him. What if that happens with Butters?

I walked into the art room, instantly being greeted with a smile, "Hi Kenny!"

"Hey dude." I smiled, sitting next to him.

"Where's your lunch?" He asked me.

"Well..I can't afford school lunch, and I didn't have any food at home to bring..." I said, trying to not sound ashamed, but I don't think it worked.

"Here." Butters said, handing me half of his sandwich.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"You're welcome," he smiled, "everyone needs to eat."

"So Butters, I wanted to talk to you about something...." I said, feeling nervous. The only person who knows I'm not straight is Kyle. Butters obviously won't judge be since he's bi, but it's still scary to talk about.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Um..I like you Butters." I told him, making his eyes widen.

"You like me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I half smiled, "and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? When you're not grounded."

"Okay." Butters smiled.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." I told him.

"I do want to," he said, "I'm just surprised , I thought you were straight."

"Well, I'm not really sure what I am," I began, "but I am sure that I like you."

"I like you too, and I would love to go out with you." Butters smiled.

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