chapter 21

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Kyle's pov

I was trying to have a great day with Stan, but Kenny kept blowing up my phone.

"Dude, who keeps calling you?" Stan asked, as we were at a restaurant.

"It's my mom," I lied, "she knows I'm with you and wants me home."

  "If she's already mad, maybe we should go back to my place and have sex all night." Stan smirked, "How much more mad can she get ?"

  She'd be furious if I stayed at his house too long, but I couldn't let Stan know I was lying to him.

"Yeah, definitely." I smirked back.


  Stan had me pinned down on his bed, sucking on my neck, as we quickly removed each other's clothing.

  "Stan, if you said I can do whatever I want to you, how about I top this time?" I suggested.

  "Oh, absolutely." Stan agreed.

I never topped before, but I definitely knew that I wanted to.


Stan and I were cuddled up in his bed, and I realized it was nearly 10:00. My mom actually would be calling me anytime now.


"Yeah?" He asked.

"I um...I think I'm falling in love with you." I told him.

  "Ky, you don't have to say that just because I said it." Stan said.

"I'm not just saying it, I really do feel like that." I gave him a small smile.

Stan smiled back, placing a kiss to my lips.

This moment was interrupted by my phone ringing. I groaned, reaching for my phone.

"Yeah mom?" I answered.

  "Do you have any idea what time it is?!" My mom yelled, "Come home now!"

My mom hung the phone up, and I sighed getting up, as Stan tightened his grip around me.

"Don't leave baby!" He whined.

"You know how my mom is." I told him.

"Yeah, guess you're right." Stan sighed, getting up with me.

We got dressed, and went out to Stan's car so he could take me home.


  "Goodnight hon." I kissed Stan goodbye.

  "Goodnight my love." Stan smiled.

  I went back inside, seeing my parents waiting up for me.

"Kyle, you know you're not supposed to be at Stan's house this late, and don't deny it, I know that's where you were!" She yelled.

"We agreed that your curfew was 9:30 Kyle." My dad said.

"We were just watching a movie and I fell asleep," I lied, "that's it."

"Really?" My mom narrowed her eyes, "Then what's that on your neck?"


"Um...." I felt my face heat up.

"You know what, I don't want your excuses," my mom said, "you're grounded for two weeks!"

"Seriously?!" I complained.

"Don't push it or I'll make it three!" My mom shouted.

I rolled my eyes, going up to my room. I can't believe my parents are getting so mad that I'm acting how a normal 17 year old acts.

To make matters worse, I'm gonna have to face Kenny at school tomorrow.

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