chapter 9

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some mature content

Kyle's pov

  "I just dropped Ike off at his party and my parents should be leaving soon," I told Stan on the phone, "you can come over now."

  "Alright, I'll be right there babe." Stan smiled, hanging up.

  "Kyle?" My mom knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" I asked, as she opened my door.

"Ike is spending the night as his friend's house and we're gonna be gone for awhile," my mom started, "but you better not be having any girls or boys over."

I rolled my eyes, "Like I already said, Stan is coming over to hang out but that's it."

Our parents wouldn't expect us to be together since we've been best friends for so long, so we decided not to tell them, at least for a little while. If they knew, they wouldn't let us stay over at each other's houses.

"Okay, but no one else," My mom said, "we're leaving now."

My mom left my room, so I texted Stan.

Kyle: u can come over now

Stan: be there soon! x

  Not long after my parents left, I heard a knock on the door. Knowing it was Stan made me both nervous and excited.

  "Hey." I smiled, opening the door.

  "Hey." He also smiled.

"So..we have the house to ourselves." I said nervously.

Stan grabbed my hand, leading me over to the couch, where we immediately started making out.

"You wanna move this upstairs?" I asked after awhile, feeling my face heating up.

"Yeah, definitely." Stan smirked.

  He got off of me, and pulled me up to my room.

Stan led me over to the edge of my bed, grabbing the bottom of my shirt.

"Is it okay if I take this off?" He asked.

"Only if yours comes off too." I smirked.

  Stan smirked back, removing my shirt, before I removed his.

"Well is it okay if..." Stan started, grabbing my hips, "these come off as well?"

  "You can do anything you want." I told him.

  Stan smirked, removing my pants before gently pushing me down on my bed. He then kneeled in front of me, grabbing my dick, "so hard for me already."

"You wanna take care of it for me then?" I smirked.

"I don't know..." Stan said teasingly, "maybe these shouldn't come off.." he moved his hand away.

"Stan, please."

"Well, I guess since you asked so nicely." He laughed lightly, taking off my last bit of clothing.

  Stan then grabbed my dick again, taking it into his mouth.

Kenny's pov

I left my house to get away from all the screaming, deciding to just take a walk. I didn't even realize how far I've gone, until I made it to Starks Pond.

  I was walking over to the bench, when I saw someone already sitting over there, and when I got closer, I could hear crying, then I realized who it was.

  "Butters?" I asked, making him look up.

  "Oh, hey Kenny," he wiped away his tears, "what are you doing here?"

  "I just wanted to get out of my house," I walked closer, "mind if I sit?"

  "Yeah, you can." Butters sniffled.

  "Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I asked him.

  "My parents kicked me out.." He said sadly.

  "What?" I asked, shocked, "They just kicked you out?!"

  "Yeah..." He sighed, "I forgot to do one of my chores, and my dad yelled at me and said to get out and not come back until I can respect him."

  "That's so fucked up..." I said.

  "He's always like this.." Butters sighed.

  I felt so bad for him. He didn't deserve to be treated like this.

  "Hey Butters, have you ate dinner?" I asked him.

  "No," he started, "they kicked me out hours ago."

  "Come on," I stood up, "let's go get something to eat."

  "Oh, I don't have any money Kenny..." He told me.

  "It's okay, I stole a 20 from my dad," I began, "that will feed us both."

  "Well, alright then." Butters agreed.

AN: sorry i haven't updated in so long, i have a lot going on but I'll try to update more frequently

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