chapter 24

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Kyle's pov

I was woken up by my phone ringing. I was hoping it was Stan, but it was the one person I really didn't to talk to. I sighed, ignoring Kenny's call. Then I realized that Kenny had texted Stan and I both.

Kenny: please at least one of u talk to me

Kenny: this wasnt supposed to happen and im so sorry!!!!!!

Kenny: please dont tell Butters. I will tell him myself once i figure out how to

I actually wonder how Butters would react. But, I don't even know how exactly Stan feels. I was so nervous, but called him, just to get ignored. I texted him, even though I'm sure he'll ignore those too.

Kyle: stan, i don't even know what to say but please let me explain myself

Kyle: i dont want to lose you

Kyle: i love you

I looked at the last text, but deleted it. That's something I need to tell him in person. I got up, and headed to Stan's house.


I was so nervous as I walked up to his front door, and knocked. Stan answered.

"What?" Stan asked harshly.

"Can I come in to talk?" I asked him.

He thought about it for a moment before sighing, "Okay."

We went up to his room, and he closed his door for privacy.

"Okay, now what?" He asked again, in the same harsh tone.

"Just please let me explain," I began, "I told you before that I had a thing with another guy before we started dating, and if it's not obvious enough now, it was Kenny. I was trying to tell him that we should just forget about everything that happened between him and I since we're with other people. I'm not even sure how we ended up kissing, but I'm so so sorry."

I brought a hand up to Stan's face, but he pushed it away.

"Kyle, I don't think you understand how bad it hurts to see the person you truly love kissing someone else," he started, "especially when you thought they felt the same.."

"I do feel the same.." I told him, "..I love you."

"You know, I'm having a hard time believing that." He scoffed.


"I don't...I don't think I can be with you anymore Kyle.." Stan said, tears filling his eyes.

"No, Stan, please!" I cried.

"Just go..." Stan's voice cracked, as he looked away from me, "please, just go."

I felt tears fall down my face. I wiped them away, quickly leaving Stan's house.

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