chapter 6

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Kyle's pov

  I was lying in my bed after Stan left, feeling very confused. I wanted to kiss Stan, and I'm sure he wanted to kiss me too.

  Maybe I can like Stan, Maybe he can get me over Kenny.


  My alarm woke me up at 6:00 AM. I usually hate the first day of school, but I'm excited to start my senior year.

  Once I walked into the school, I saw Stan at his locker. I started feeling a little anxious, but in a good way.

  I don't know what's going on...When I woke up yesterday, I had no feelings for Stan, and then last night, I wanted to kiss him, and I'm now he's giving me butterflies? Maybe I should try flirting with him.

"Hey Stan." I smiled, walking up to him.

"Hey dude." He smiled.

"Were you able to get enough sleep when you got back home?" I asked him.

"Yeah," Stan started, "sorry again for falling asleep on your shoulder."

"It's okay, you looked really cute." I smiled.

  "Cute enough to go on another date tonight?" Stan smirked.

  "Damn," I lightly laughed, "that was pretty smooth."

"Hey, I saw the opening." Stan laughed.

"But yeah, I'd love to go on another date." I smiled.

  "Okay, cool, Stan smiled, "I'll come by around 5:00?"

  "Yeah, sounds good." I told him.

I thought about Stan all day. I think I do like him. But I also like Kenny. What do I do?! Maybe I should just break it off with Kenny? I think I have to. I grabbed my phone to text him.

Kyle: i need to talk to u after school but its not for what u think

Kenny: ok. U alright?

Kyle: just meet me at my house later

  I hope Kenny doesn't get too upset about this. Will he be upset at all?


  Kenny and I got to my house around the same time, and we went up to my room.

  "Is everything okay Kyle?" Kenny asked me.

  "It's just...I don't think we should be hooking up anymore." I told him.

  ", can I ask why?" Kenny asked.

"Well uh, Stan asked me out," I started, "and said yes."

  "You're dating Stan?" He asked.

  "We're not together officially, but I want us to be." I told him.

  "Oh.. okay." Kenny said sadly.

  "I had fun with you Kenny," I began, "but I want a relationship.."

  "It's okay Kyle, I understand ." Kenny gave me a small smile.

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