chapter 32

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Kenny's pov

I woke up the day after Butters' party, lying in his bed with him. I didn't get much sleep, just trying to look out for Butters since he doesn't drink ever.

  Butters started stirring, slowly opening his eyes.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" I asked him.

"A little, my head just hurts," he answered, "did you sleep here?"

"Not really," I told him, "if you don't remember, you started feeling sick and asked me if I could lay here with you, and I stayed up making sure you were okay."

  "Thank you for doing that," Butters smiled, "sorry if I was too much last night..."

"You weren't babe," I told him, "I just know you never drink."

  "You really are an amazing boyfriend Kenny." Butters kissed my cheek.

If only that were true...

Kyle's pov

Stan didn't leave my house until the sun was setting, so we were together for quite awhile.

  Ike knocked on my door again about ten minutes after Stan left.

  "Come in!" I called.

"Hey," Ike began, "diners ready, unless you friend is still here." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, getting up, "I'm coming."

"Kyle, wait." Ike said.

"What?" I asked.

"So uh...I saw Stan leaving from my bedroom window." He smirked.

  "Well uh..." I blushed, "we're back together."

  "Good," Ike started, "you were so mopey without him."

"Well, yeah..." I agreed.


Later that night when I was about to go to bed, I got a text from Stan.

Stan: do u think we should forgive Kenny?

Kyle: would u be able to?

Stan: may take awhile to completely forgive him if i ever do but i dont want drama

Kyle: good point

Kyle: lets just try to forgive him and see how it goes

Stan: alright!

  I wanna forgive Kenny as I also don't want drama, but just like Stan, I don't know if I'll completely forgive him. But Stan and I are back maybe I should?

I'll guess we'll just see what happens at school tomorrow.

AN: next chapter is the last

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