chapter 11

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Stan's pov

I can't believe I slept with Kyle last night. I had no idea that it would happen this soon, but I'm glad it did. I think I'm falling in love with him already.

  "So what do you want to do today?" Kyle asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

  "I don't know," I started, "there's not much to do here in this boring town."

"Yeah," Kyle sighed, "you're right about that."

  "Kyle, can I ask you something?" I asked.

  "Of course you can." He told me.

"Was last night your first time?" I asked him.

  "Um," he blushed, "actually no, but I can't tell you who it was though."

  "A boy that's still in the closet?" I questioned.

  "Yeah.." Kyle trailed off.

  "Sorry," I began, "didn't mean to make you feel awkward or anything, I was just curious, because you're the first boy I've been with."

"So.. wanna go out for some breakfast?" Kyle asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled.

Kenny's pov

I woke up the next day, my back in so much pain from sleeping on the floor. I checked my phone, seeing it was 12:30.

I looked up at Butters sleeping, and he looked so peaceful...and cute. Never really noticed how cute he was.

Butters started stirring, waking up.

"Good morning Kenny." He gave me a small smile.

"Good afternoon actually." I told him.

"Wait, what?" Butters looked at his phone, "Wow, my parents never let me sleep this late."

  "This is the time I usually wake up on Saturdays," I told him, "and my parents usually don't wake up until 2:00 on Saturdays cause they drink too much on Fridays."

  "I'm sorry Kenny." Butters said to me.

  "It's whatever," I shrugged, "but let's get out of here before they wake up and start fighting."

  "Okay." Butters agreed, before we made our way outside.

  " wanna hang out?" I asked Butters.

"Sure," he gave me a small smile, "I'm not sure when I'll be able to go back home anyway."

Butters and I hung out all day. I never really hung out with him one on one, but we were having a lot of fun. We didn't do much since we didn't have much money, but was still a lot fun.

Butters pov

  Kenny was being really nice to me today. It was kinda weird, no one was ever this nice to me. Another weird thing, is that even though we never hung out just us, or felt kinda right? Like we should always be hanging out together.

  It was about 7:00, when I got a text from my mom.

Mom: come home now Butters.

  I wonder if she means that in a mad way. Either way, I was dreading going back home. I just wanna keep hanging out with Kenny.

Kenny's pov

I had just walked Butters home, and I was kinda sad to be without him. After I showered and got in bed for the night, my mind drifted back to Butters. I actually kinda missed him, even though I was just with him. That's weird. The only other time I felt like was with Kyle-wait....oh no.

I like Butters.

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