chapter 4

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some mature content

Kenny's pov

I know Kyle was hanging out with Stan tonight, but they can't be out all night, right?

Around. 11:00 that night, I decided to go over to Kyle's. I climbed up the side of his house like I always do when he would sneak me in, and tapped on his window.

"Kenny? What are you doing here?" He asked, once he opened the window.

"I just wanted to see you." I told him.

Kyle moved aside, letting me in.

"For what?" I asked.

"You know what," I smirked, "unless you're not in the mood, that's okay. I just figured you'd be home by now, and I was gonna see if you still wanted over."

"Yeah, okay." He gave me a half smile.

Kyle's pov

I wish I liked Stan. He does seem to really like me, but I'm just hung up on Kenny. With Stan, I could have an actual relationship. That's exactly what I want. I can either have an actual, real relationship with someone I don't have feelings for, or I can just have someone I'm crazy for as my friend with benefits.

I got in my bed, and Kenny joined me, and I immediately pulled him into a kiss, of course turning into us making out, before I climbed on top of Kenny. Kenny tugged on my hair, as I sucked on his tongue. I took off his shirt, kissing his neck, down to his collarbone. Kenny then took my shirt off, flipping us over.

Kenny then pulled my pants down, along with my boxers, grabbed my dick, and started pumping, making me moan softly. He licked the tip of my dick, until I begged for more.

"Fuck...Kenny, please.."

Kenny laughed lightly, taking my whole dick in his mouth.


I didn't know how to feel the next morning. Kenny is great in bed, but I definitely wanted more. I hate my stupid feelings.

  I turned over to the other side of my bed, seeing it was empty. But when I checked my phone, I had a text from Kenny.

Kenny: last night was fun x

Kyle: it really was :)

  As soon as I put my phone down, it went off again. Just as I suspected, it was Stan.

Stan: hey :) wanna hang out later?

I just stared at the text, not knowing how to respond. Stan is my best friend, and I love hanging out with him, but I don't know if he means it in a friends way or a date way.

Kyle: what do u have in mind?

Stan: nothing really. just wanna see u

Kyle: ok I'll get back to u later

Stan: ok!

  I'm sure he wants to ask me out again. Should I agree to it again?

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