chapter 12

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Butters pov

I was kinda nervous as I walked through the front door. Especially seeing how mad my parents looked.

  "Where have you been?" My dad asked sternly.

"You said not to come back," I reminded him, "I was waiting for you to tell me when."

"Are you talking back to me Butters?!" My dad shouted.

"No! I'm not!" I quickly said.

"You're grounded!" My dad yelled, "Get to your room!"

I sighed, walking upstairs. I hate my parents. Who still grounds their child at 16 years old?

Kenny's pov

My family was at church the next day, and as always, I was just waiting for it to be over. I looked over at Butters with his family, and gave him a slight smile, which he returned.

When we were leaving, Stan came up to me, "Hey dude."

"Hey." I gave him a fake smile.

I know I shouldn't, but I feel jealous of Stan. He has Kyle. I want Kyle myself. Wait, I think I do? Or do I want someone else?

"Just haven't talked to you in awhile, so just wanted to say hey." Stan gave me small smile.

"So and Kyle doing good?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he smiled, "really good. What about you though? Any girl you have an eye on."

"No not really..." I told him.

"Alright, well, I'm gonna go meet up with Kyle," Stan said, "see you at school tomorrow."

Stan left, and I was looking for Butters, and I guess he was looking for me too, as he came up from behind me.

"Hey Kenny!"

  "Hey," I smiled, once I turned around "I was actually looking for you."

  "Really?" Butters asked.

  "Yeah," I told him, "I was gonna see if you wanted to hang out today."

"I wish I could, " he said sadly, "but I'm grounded."

  "Aw, that's too bad." I said.

  "Well I'll see you tomorrow at school." Butters said, going back to his parents.

Kyle's pov

  I was looking forward to seeing Stan today, even though I spent all yesterday with him. I still had slight feelings for Kenny, and being with Stan was helping me get over him.


Stan came over after church, and we were lying in my bed, watching a movie.

"Ky?" Stan asked.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him.

"I think we should tell our parents about us." He told me.

"Why?" I asked, "Then we can't stay overnight at each other's house anymore."

  "I know," Stan started, "but I honestly think my parents are starting to suspect we're together."

"What tells you that?" I asked him.

"Everytime I mention that I'm coming over here, they give each other this weird look and it might be kinda weird that we're suddenly spending the night with each other so much." Stan told me.

"Yeah, they might figure it out on their own eventually." I said.

  "Do you think your parents would be okay with it?" Stan asked.

  "I hope so," I started, "I mean, they seemed okay when I told them I was bi."

"Yeah same here," Stan said, "so we're telling them tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we'll tell them." I answered.

"So...I guess we gotta make this night count." Stan smirked, climbing on top of me.

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