Damn, already?

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His mouth moved on mine as he tightly gripped my waist. I could feel how hard he was under me. His body was so warm, I wanted to touch him everywhere. 

He kissed my neck sucking on a spot leaving a sensation of buzz. It made a noise escape my lips as my area throbbed just from that. I don't even know how we got here, one minute we were talking about music, and the next I was on his lap making out with him. 

He pulled away, "Is this okay?" He kept asking before doing it, it was so hot. "Mm, I think this should stop before this goes somewhere it shouldn't." 

He laughed, his hands never moved from my hips. "It already has." 

We stared at each other's eyes. 


I didn't want to leave. It's strange how I already wanted him all over me three chapters in. But, we can't do this. I'm the type to fall in love quicker than him. 

He smiled and went to touch my hair but stopped himself. "Can I? I don't wanna be rude." I smiled.

I've never met a man so considerate. 

He reached for a curl and his big fingers rolled it between the pads of his thumb and index finger. He curled it gently enough not to tug. "It's so curly, and soft." 

He felt like husband material already. My hand fell on his neck and he looked at my facial expression. 


He kissed me again softly. 

Don't kiss me like this, it'll just make me fall harder. 

I pulled away first. I got out of the chair and said, "We shouldn't... I mean we just met." 

He raised his eyebrow, "Yeah but... you're just so cute." 

That eyebrow again. One sexy ass habit.

"I- Okay." 

I grabbed my bag, "I'm going home. Text me if you want to change the song, but I'm sure Woozi could help." 

"Why did you get so cold all of a sudden?" 

I stopped in my tracks, "I don't want us to get too close." I left the building and went straight to Dae's place. 



She yelled back, "I CHECKED YOUR LOCATION ALREADY! YOU WERE WITH S. COUPS?!" I nodded, "We made out!!!!!!!" Dae screamed, "HOLY SHIT! Holy shit... was he just trying to get in your pants the whole time?" 

I shook my head, "He said he wouldn't if I was uncomfortable but I ended up initiating it by sitting on his lap..." 

"YOU SAT ON HIS- oh ma gawd. Oh my fucking god. WHERE WAS THIS BOLD Y/N ALL THIS TIME!?" 

The Korenglish was getting complex. 

I sat at the table and picked the fruit in the bowl. 

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