City Skylines

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"Butterflies in the break of spring with a candle lit and a-" I stopped the recording. "Your pronunciation is a little off. CAN-DUL." 

He repeated back into the mic and I smiled satisfied. He recorded once again. Woozi listened intently. 

"I like it." 

I nodded pleased. "Alright, I gotta go though." I looked Woozi in the eyes like I was begging him not to go. 

"I still have to work on the comeback." I groaned. Seungcheol looked saddened by my discomfort with being alone with him. 

Woozi asked, "What's the problem? You can handle this." I said, "Y-yeah, I guess." 

Ew, why the fuck am I stuttering. 

I blinked as Woozi shut the door behind him. "Do I really make you that uncomfortable? You initiated the kiss." 

I shushed him, "SHH! Listen okay, this is all happening way to quickly, I don't know what's going on between us, but I don't like the idea of just being a quick sex partner." 

He looked at me, "I wasn't trying to get into your pants Y/N! I was trying to be your friend! You made it more confusing when you kissed me." 

My mouth gaped open. "WHAT!?" He suddenly got heated, "I MEAN I AM AN IDOL! I CAN'T DATE TO BEGIN WITH!" I put my hand over his loud screaming. 

"Shut the fuck up! I don't need people hearing." 

He pulled my hand away. 

He stared into my eyes, there was so much anger boiling in his dark ones. His eyelashes looked longer when he was close. He cupped my cheek suddenly feeling calmer and kissed me. 

His kisses were so soft, always gentle. It made me feel like I had power... like he was trying not to make it uncomfortable. 

He pulled me down on his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist while he sat on the couch. 

God, he's so beautiful.

His pretty long eyelashes fluttered against my face. The noises of our mouths moving together as he pulled me tighter sent a pool of pleasure to my belly. I could feel how warm his dick was, my vagina was hot too. But, he never initiated anything. 

How could he hold back when I'm feeling like this?! 

I gently moved against him, and instead of him flinching, he groaned in my mouth. He bit my lip and my lips parted for him. 

His hands traveled to my ass and he squeezed hard as his way to tell me to stop. I tilted my head letting him lick my insides. Swirling our wet tongues together as his dick hardened even more. 

I wanted more, so much more, but I knew he wouldn't give it to me unless I said so. I don't wanna say it. 

All I had to do was make it clear but, why did I want to move slower? It's not like we have meaning, it's not like we are committed and invested in each other. Why can't I just rip off these clothes and waste it all on him? 

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