House Hunting

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Cheol hadn't spoken to me the whole time we were in America. I think I did something to upset him, but the whole time at my apartment he seemed upset. 

We were dropping off Tony, this would be the perfect time for him to meet my dad so we met him inside. My dog barked as I hugged her. "HOPEY!" She was speeding around and I looked at my dad pulling him into a hug. 

"Hey, Dad." 

He smiled seeing the luggage of clothes in my hand. "So can you explain why Tony is staying here?" He looked at Tony. I don't know what Cheol was still doing in the car but he hadn't come in yet. 

"My stepdad was hurting me. It's not safe for my baby." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Hurting you how kid?" 

He looked at me confused and I quirked my eyebrow. He said, "Oh, Lawd," As he finally understood.

My dad rubbed his temples, "Let me show you to your room. It has a bunch of locks on it, none of which I have the key to. Only Y/N knows the passwords to them." 

They began to walk off as he showed her the 'Y/N treatment' as we called it. 

Cheol stepped into the building sliding off his shoes. "Ah, where'd the two of them go?" I smiled, "My old room. You wanna see it?" He shook his head, "I think that's too invasive for her." 

There he goes again belittling and thinking he knows best. 

I smiled through the anger as my Dad walked back in without Tony by his side. My dog rapidly sniffs Cheol's ankles and sneezes on them. 

My Dad asked, "Are you the boyfriend?" He shook his head as Cheol smiled politely. "I'm HIM." 

My dad said, "You know, I can't tell you Chinese people apart." I slapped my forehead. 

He was doing so well too. 

Cheol laughed even though he didn't get the joke. 

"Yes, I'm Korean though." 

"Ain't that the same thing?" 

I cut in, "Dad, just stop talking. Jesus Christ." 

I walked to Tony's room knocking on the door. "Hey, kiddo. You gonna do alright in here?" She was rubbing her sweaty palms on her jeans, "Uncle Halo is silly." I smiled, "Yep, that's my dad for ya." 

Tony said, "Thank you. I know I must be a lot for you right now, bringing up the same trauma and stuff, but... I appreciate you hearing me out at least." 

I felt bad leaving her here. Having her story end here like this. 

I sat next to her on the bed and nudged her, "Of course! If you ever need me, just call or text me. I'm a known veteran and survivor. And if you need a hack to get my dad to give you what you want, I got the cheat codes on that too." She smiled and wiped her tears. 

"Ah! Don't cry." She wiped her tears and I pulled her in rubbing her shoulder. It was silent until I heard yelling. 

Oh god! I knew I shouldn't have left the two most temperamental people alone. 

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