When I Get Home...

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"Sorry, I wanted to meet under better circumstances when you're not filming." Cheol nodded, "I'm glad you got to meet them." 

Dokeyeom cheesed, "I bet 13 of us all together is overwhelming." I shook my head, "No! I can be a part of the chaos." 

Cheol's hand was on my shoulder. 

Even though these are his members, there is a group of thirteen men surrounding me. I was a little afraid.

 Cheol mouthed, "Let's go." 

I walked outside the door and he cupped my face. "N/n... you don't gotta force yourself to do this. One step at a time." I shook my head, "Babe, I'm A-okay." He laughed at me.

"Love, baby, babe, honey. Please, you know I never force you, but please. Get some rest, you look tired, and I want you to take the time when you're not working to get some rest." 

I crossed my arms, "No." 

"So when I get home to you..." 

He trailed off smirking. He leaned in for a final kiss and walked into the practice room. 

I was left astounded. That man was not my boyfriend, he was some weird version of him. 

I walked to my car and hopped in. Life is too fucking short. I drove off to his house wanting to meet him there. When I opened the door to his brother in the kitchen eating food while watching his phone it got awkward. 

He turned to me saying things before he even saw me, "Hey bro- Oh..." 

His smile disappeared a little. 

He seemed like a sweet guy, but without Cheol, I felt unsafe. 

"I'll go to my room." 

"NO! Uh... fuck. I mean no, it's okay." 

His mouth went into a thin line and he sighed. "I know I make you uncomfortable." My eyes widened. 

Direct. Just like Cheol, they're alike. 

"It's not that! I swear, just I get the heebie jeebies." 

"Heebie Jeeb- I-" 

He sighed. "You're a pain in my ass." 

I quirked my eyebrow, "Excus-e-fucking-me?" 

"You're dating my little brother, I try to get to know you, you say I give you the hippa peppies, whatever you said, and you're mad at me!" 

Something about this man made me wanna punch him in the gut, that's what I did. 

"Aw FUCK!" I was afraid of how he'd react but he didn't. 

"I see why Cheol likes you. Probably likes being strangled in bed with his submissive ass." He stood up, "I respect you." 

I said suddenly feeling the same, "I respect you too... what the hell." 

He shook my hand, "I'm Seungmin." 

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