Surprise Bitch

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"I shouldn't have even asked you that." I looked at Valen as he heard the story. 

"You didn't do anything wrong." I nodded silently. "My therapist made sure to tell me that every day." 

I laughed at my joke. 

Valen touched my hand, "Glad to see you don't flinch around me anymore though." I smiled, "Yeah, I'm even dating now... I think." 

He laughed, "I'm sure he's in for a real treat when he figures out you're crazy." I shrugged, "We all have tragic backstories." He said, "Yeah, but yours is insane." 

I giggled. After a while of talking, and apologizing, we headed for my dad's place. 

It was an hour's drive, but fun nonetheless. It felt like no time came between us. 

"FATHER I AM HOME!" My dad ran downstairs and hugged me spinning me around. "YOU BROUGHT MY SON TOO?!" 

He hugged Valen both of them manly grunting. 

Everyone loves Valen, I love Valen... well Dae might not love Valen. 

My dad kissed my cheek, "How have you been sweetie?!" I giggled, "It felt freeing being back in Korea." 

He laughed, "I fucking bet! You ate already?" I nodded and he sat me down. 

"I've been taking care of the house so maybe my grandkids could inherit it." 

I said, "Dad, I'm only twenty-five." He said, "I know, but it's better to have them young so you get more time to yourself." 

I said, "Mommy and you had me at fifteen... you can't even go a day without calling me." 

He said, "I gotta make sure my baby is safe! Your mother wanted you to be happy, I wanted you to be safe! She just had to go on and let you go to Korea behind my back and then had the nerve to die before I could even argue with her about it." 

I laughed shocked at the dark humor. Valen did not find that amusing. "I miss that woman." I smiled, "Me too... she was crazy though." 

He nodded, "That's why I love her, cause her passion made it to your heart, and now look at my baby, top of the billboard charts! Winning Grammy's for producer of the year." 

I giggled, "I store all your trophies in here! LOOK!" 

He really did have all the trophies I won. I don't like to flaunt my accomplishments, but my dad does. 

"I brought a woman in here once, and I wouldn't stop talking about you and your accomplishments. Safe to say that she left early that night. She thought I was talking about an ex-girlfriend." 

I laughed, "Lord, dad..." 

My phone rang and I stuck out my index finger as a symbol. 


"Y/N! I missed you, I figured you'd be up by now." 

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