First Time?

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We both laughed as Seungcheol told me a dorm story with his group mates. 

I looked at Cheol feeling the pain of my past slipping my consciousness. "And when he had the guitar, did he hit him?" 

He shook his head, "No! Thank god, or we would've been punished." I giggled and smacked his arm. "Ow!" I laughed some more, "Sorry! It's a bad habit." 

He smiled and looked back up at the stars. "I feel like it's getting easier to get to know you." 

I looked at him, "What do you mean?" 

"You feel more open, like you let down a couple walls." 

I smirked, "Well when you go to a construction cite with a gallon of carbonic acid, you're bound to break down concrete." 

He laughed, "What the fuck? You're a nerd too?" I laughed and said in retaliation, "You're literally so old, what are you saying?!" 

He laughed and my phone rang blasting into the car. "HOLY SHIT!" We both jumped and laughed even harder. He was so silly and adorable at the same time. 

He said, "It's okay, answer it." 

I smiled and picked up the phone. "Whatsup?" Lil boobies. 

(I'm tired of typing out lil boobies, so I'm going to use his silly real name. Robert.) 

"The hell? Why are you speaking to me like we're besties!?" 

"Your name is literally Robert, shut the fuck up." 

He said, "Where's my beats at?!" 

"Who are you- listen little boy, you take that up with your manager! You ain't boutta be talking to me like that." 

"Sorry, I thought you liked it when guys talk to you a little rough. Every since I heard that guy on the phone I haven't stopped thinking about you." 

Cheol, clearly understanding the English, perked up. 

"Please stop talking. You're way too young for me." 

"But I could treat you right even when you're an old hag." 


He squeaked, "Do you still speak Chinese?" 

"I speak Korean, not Chinese." 

"Same thing. Since you don't want me, I wanna hook up with this girl, she's Asian, I don't know what kind, but I wanna tell her how I feel in her language." 

"I only know Korean." 

He said, "Yeah, don't all Asians speak Korean?" 

"You can't be serious right now." 


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