losing all the hopes

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Taehyung took a deep breath and finally put his luggage on his hotel room floor which is basically larger than an apartment.. Why not rich people duhh!!!!!

So yeah taehyung landed in gwangju just an hour ago. He took a cab and came to his hotel room tiredly. Rm was the one who dropped him at seoul airport and bidded him off. Jimin just talked on call and hobi well definitely tae didn't talk to him.

Taehyung : let's just take rest and from tomorrow work starts tae. Fighting. Give me strength my love (pecked jk which was on his phone and dozzed off without changing)

Next day in gwangju :::::

Evening time...

Taehyung (on call) : yes hyung..meeting was successful and they are saying that we should start the project from tomorrow. For a week I will be staying here and Explain them about everything by taking them on construction site. Dont worry I am fine (softly said)

Rm (on call) : I trust you tae. Just don't forget to take your medicines on time. Jimin is already worried for you. Please be careful hmm.

Taehyung : don't worry hyung. I will be fine. Right now the main focus is my health. Once I will be fine, I am gonna take him back. Thank you hyung. Bye I will cut the call now
(Saying that tae cut the call)

It was 3 am of night and tae was standing in the balcony looking at view.

Tae : the view is beautiful. I wish you were here with me. Will you forgive me ever? (Sadly smiled) I wish I could go back in past and make everything right. I was really foolish. How are you baby.. Please be fine. Your husband will find you soon (wiped the falling tear from his eyes and went inside opening the cupboard taking out his medicine)

Tae : help me in sleep please.. (Saying that he took the sleeping pills with his normal insomnia medicine)

Yes tae is suffering from insomnia. He can't get sleep without sleeping pills and doctor prescribed him some medicine for his disease. The dark bag under his eyes are proof of the sleepless night he have spent. There was a time when he couldn't sleep whole night and took 3-3 pills in a day just to get rid of his wakeness and thoughts.

And fortunately medicines worked and tae dozzed off till 8 hours straight..

Like that six days passed and tomorrow was Taehyung flight to get home back to Seoul. He was feeling fresh coming in new city and spend some time on work. Even though he was all lonely yet he found little peace in that loneliness...

Taehyung was looking at outside view from the window seeing people roaming in the city with their family, friends. Having fun and chirping loudly.

He was feeling much sleepy and due to that he was continue dozzing off in between. Car stopped at the red light and he last time looked around and closed his eyes.. Then car started moving again because of green light which makes his eyes opened little but they got widened when familier figure and face came in front of his eyes....

His eyes got wide and breath stucked in his throat seeing his love of life standing on the side road and buying something like small jewellery...

Car took his speed but before it goes further taehyung yelled at driver and told him to stop the car..

Tae : stop stop stop... I said stop the car right now (yelled loudly which caused driver to flinched and he suddenly pressed the brake causing a jerk in car)

Driver : s.sir what happened (looked back too see tae but tae was already out of car running in a particular direction)

Taehyung : j..jungkook my jungkook.. Where is he..he was just here right now.. No no I can't lose him.. My baby (started to look around clenching on his hair trying to control his tears) please God where he is.. I swear I saw him, it can't be hallucination... Jungkook (yelled slightly huffing)

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