1 : 2010

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My first Tokyo Revengers fanfic! As the title says, it's a Mikey x Oc. I really hope you like it as much as I do ☺️.


2010 (I've got the year right):

-It's really nice of you to come and see me Takemichi! I exclaimed, my eternal smile on my face.

I put the tray of drinks and his favourite cakes on the table.

-You're my big sister, that's normal.

I took my place on the other side of the table.

- Sooooooo ? How's your life going these days ? I asked my little brother cheerfully.

Takemichi's face darkened.

I knew straight away that something was wrong.

-Why don't the two of us go for a walk ? I suggested, still smiling. It's nice to get some fresh air once in a while.

My little brother gave me a grateful look.

-You're right. Let's go.


Takemichi and I were walking along a park path bordered by an artificial lake.

It was cold and we were warmly covered, but Michi seemed to be feeling better.

I stood in front of a fir tree with my back to my brother.

I had a gift, always knowing what to say or do to seduce people. And right now, my instinct was telling me that this tree was the key.

-Christmas is coming! I exclaimed. Do you remember 5 years ago, in 2005, today? You tried to bake me a cake for my birthday. But you nearly set the house on fire.

Takemichi gave an embarrassed little laugh.

I continued:

-What I'm trying to say is that whatever's on your mind, whatever pains you, I'm ready to hear it. As your parents were never at home, I'm the one who brought you up, I'm used to it.

I turned to him and smiled.

My little brother was speechless for a moment.

-Big sister, in fact I...

He never managed to finish his sentence.


I frowned and turned to see who had interrupted Michi and shouted my name so colourfully.

It was a young man in a black sweater. So far, nothing unusual.

I opened my eyes wide when I saw what he had in his hands.

I barely had time to think: a gun! before a bullet tore through my abdomen.

Blood spurted from my mouth.

Takemichi screamed.

In a last-ditch effort to survive, I pressed my arm against my wound in a vain attempt to stop the bleeding.

I managed to stagger to my feet.

-Michi! I shouted through the blood pouring from my mouth. Back off, you're only 19, I don't want you to die.

My brother looked at me uncomprehendingly at first, but then the surprise of the attack that had cut off his voice faded and he shouted:

-You're young too! You're 20, big sis !

-Back off and stay out of it.

My voice slammed in the air, firm and strong.

Then I turned to my attacker.

He was still there, but he was shaking so badly that under other circumstances I might have thought he was having a stroke.

That's when I realised. He hadn't shot me on purpose, he'd been forced to.

I gave him my best smile and held out a hand, making him take a step back.

-There's no need to step back, you know. I'm not angry with you. It's obvious you don't want to be here," I said with a slight laugh.

Tears rolled down the boy's cheeks but he said nothing.

I smiled at him again.

-I just want an explanation. Please, tell me why?

-I... I... Shouldn't have...

He took a deep breath and then exclaimed:

-You shouldn't have interfered with the Toman and its leader's decisions!

I squinted, I'd be surprised if he knew anything about this.

-Who gave this order? I asked in a playful voice.

-It was... No! I couldn't say anything!

The young man fell to his knees, his nerves shattered. Clearly, he wasn't a killer. That is, until now.

-Go away.

-What was that? the young man stammered.

I took a deep breath, my breath getting shorter and shorter.

-If you go now, you might be able to get away from the police. I don't know which member of your family has been abducted, but he or she must be worried about you. Go and find them quickly.

He looked at me one last time, crying, then stood up and staggered away.

My little brother stood in front of me, as if to prevent another head-on attack.

Suddenly I felt all my muscles give way and I fell to the ground.

-REINA! Takemichi shouted as he knelt on the ground.

I took him in my arms. I felt his tears fall against my chest as my blood coloured his black hair.

-Aaah, I'm sorry Michi, but I don't think I'm going to make it," I sighed, smiling.

I was going to keep smiling until the very end.

-Rei, I've called an ambulance, just hang in there," murmured my little brother.

I laughed a little.

-It'll be too late by then. You know, I wanted to be at your wedding, after you'd found the right woman. I would have liked to see Mum and Dad one last time too. But above all I would have liked to see people happy again on Christmas Eve...

-Please don't say that!

I put one hand against his cheek and in the other I grabbed the gold star that hung from my choker.

A memory washed over me as I looked up at the sky.


-Here Rei, this is for you. Happy birthday to you!

-Thanks ! I promise I'll take good care of it !

Little laugh.

-If it breaks, I'll get you another one. Don't put yourself in danger to protect it.

-But it's the first present you've ever given me ! This necklace is special !


Oh, Mikey...

I'm so sorry...

I promised you I wouldn't leave until you did.

My eyes glazed over as I lost all my strength.

My hand slipped from Takemichi's cheek and I heard him shout my name one last time before everything went black.


Here's the first chapter! A tragic beginning 😅. And as I said, I didn't get the year wrong! Reina dies 7 years before Takemichi's first return to the past.

The next chapter will take place in 2005.

See you there!


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