17 : 2005

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-Don't even think about backing out, you're the one who got the garden into this mess, I warned them with a menacing smile on my lips. And you're lucky I agreed to help you tidy up.

-OK, says Draken. We'll assume our responsibilities and tidy up. I'm sorry.

I looked at him.

-You should apologise to my little brother. It's his stuff you've broken.

Mikey nodded and started to tidy up.

-You can leave if you like,' I suggested to Takemichi's four friends, who had nothing to do with the mess in the garden.

Atsushi nodded.

-No, it's all right,' he said. We'll help you.

About ten minutes later, Takemichi joined us, clean and tidy.

He started to tidy up too, to the jeers of Mikey and Draken.

I sighed but inside I was happy that the conflict between the two heads of the Toman, who had obviously reconciled, had come to an end.

I made a mental note to call Baji and the others to let them know later.


After an hour, we had all finished tidying up. So Mikey suggested a game of football in the park next door.

Everyone happily agreed and Takemichi ran into the house to fetch his ball.

We were on our way and Takemichi and his friends were ahead of Mikey, Draken and me.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I knew it must have been about earlier.

In contrast to the cheerful atmosphere at the front of the group, there was total silence at the back.

It made me feel a little uneasy.

In fact, none of us could bring up the subject that was worrying us, namely the past conflict.

-I'm sorry,' Mikey said suddenly, surprising Draken and me.

-I'm sorry? I said.

-I didn't realise that our row could have had such consequences,' explained Mikey. It was the others and especially you who had suffered.

Draken stopped.

-I'm sorry too. It wasn't worthy of a vice-president. When I think back, I understand how worried you must have been.

I smile at them.

-It's good that you've understood. But I'm not the only one you should apologise to, you know? Mitsuya was at the end of his tether the last time I spoke to him on the phone.

They both nodded.

-Thanks to Takemichou,' said Mikey.

-Yeah, aporouva Draken.

With all that, we'd arrived at the park without realising it.

Takemichi's friends were making passes and Mikey, Takemichi, Draken and I were sitting on the steps.

Draken couldn't help teasing my brother a little.

-Such fun !

-That was a lot of fun! exclaimed the leader of the Toman, who had in the meantime lain down on the floor.

-It's OK, I've washed my hair! snapped the time traveller.

I laughed slightly.

-Leave it, they're just doing it to annoy you.

-I'm sorry Mikey, I was an idiot,' apologised Draken.

-No, I'm the one who's sorry.

Takemichi hesitated a little before asking:

-What did you fight about?

-I don't know,' Mikey and Draken answered in unison.

Now we're getting somewhere! I was wondering if the conflict hadn't started at the captains' meeting which I hadn't been able to attend.

I'll have to check with Baji ...

Mikey suddenly stood up, cutting my thoughts short.

-But it's Ken who's right,' he said. Pachin has gone to the police.

I understood their dilemma.

Mikey wanted to save Pachin while Draken respected Pachin's choice.

-When we get Pachin out we'll celebrate him properly, OK? I smile.

-Of course we will!

Mikey and Draken went to join the football game.

-Takemichi! You managed too well! exclaimed Yamagishi with a thumbs up.

-You've managed to reconcile them, that's amazing!

Takemichi suddenly fell to the ground, startling me.

Panicking, I knelt down.

-Are you all right? I asked him, worried.

-I'm fine. I'm very happy.

To my surprise I saw that he was smiling.


My brother and I turned to see Hinata and Emma approaching us.

-Hina?!? Takemichi exclaimed as he stood up.

-And Emma! I added with a smile.

Emma gave me a hug.

-Reina, you're an angel. If you weren't here no one would notice me! she said dramatically.

I patted her gently on the back.

-What's the matter ? asked my brother, intrigued.

-Hmm... Hinata said, embarrassed.

-Go on then! Emma urged her, letting go of me to nudge her.

Her friend finally jumped in:

-Are you free on 3 August?

I tilted my head to one side, pensive. Wasn't the Musashi festival on that day?

-Was it? Takemichi asked.

Seriously, he was so slow!

-She wants to go to the block party with you! Emma revealed with a big smile.

-That's a great idea! said my brother.

-Can't you see? I told you. He's your boyfriend, isn't he?

-I'm happy for you, Hina! I said with a smile, clapping my hands.

Emma suddenly saw Draken playing football with Mikey and the others.

-Hi Emma! says the vice-president.


-Keep it down, Emma.

-Have you made up?!? After that sick clash?!?

-What clash?

-I was worried sick!

We finally finished our afternoon in the park. All in good spirits.

Little did we know what was about to happen...



I hope you still enjoy the story, thank you for reading it.


Bye 👋🏻


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