14 : 2005

90 0 0

We were running through alleyways at breakneck speed to escape the police.

-Aaah! Fucking hell! Peyan exclaimed, letting go of me. Why did it all go to hell?

No one answered him, we were all still in shock at what had just happened.

-Pachin", I muttered.

We'd had quite a few differences recently, but he was still a dear friend.

Suddenly we heard the sound of a body falling onto the concrete of the alleyway.

Mikey turned round in astonishment.

-Takemichou! he shouted.

I looked in horror at my little brother passed out on the pavement.

I came back to him and shook him.

-Michi! Wake up!

-We haven't got time, Reina! Draken exclaimed, grabbing my arm (three times in one day, after all!).

I jerked my wrist free.

-You're talking rubbish! He's my brother, I'm staying!

-I'll call Emma to take him to hospital," said the vice-president. Now come on, we can't stay here any longer!

-I can't do this! I protested.

-But... Said Mikey.

-Listen," I said. Neither me nor Takemichi are wearing a Toman uniform. The cops can't do anything.

I looked at the head of the Toman.

-Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me." I smiled. We'll talk later, OK?

-I'll just...

-Come on Mikey, let's go! Draken said as he started running again.

Then he glanced at me:

-You'd better be OK, Rei.

-I promise! But I don't mind if you call Emma for backup.

He nodded and disappeared into the distance with Mikey and Peyan.

I sighed and took out my phone.

I dialled the emergency number.

-Hello? Hi, my little brother's passed out in the middle of an alley.


-Reina! What's happened?!? Draken called me but he didn't explain anything! Emma exclaimed as she came running.

-The Moebius gang attacked us during a small committee meeting. Then Pachin stabbed the gang leader and the police arrived. As he fled, Takemichi fainted from the many blows he took," I summarised.

Emma shook her head in shock.

-Did you call an ambulance? she asked, kneeling down beside me.

-Yes, it should be here soon," I replied.

I got to my feet.

-I'm sorry to ask you this, but would you mind helping me carry him over there," I said, pointing to a nearby bench.

-I'll do it!

After about fifteen minutes of effort, we managed to get him onto the bench.

Emma and I dropped to the floor, exhausted. He was so heavy!

-Do you know where Mikey and Draken are? I asked her.

She shook her head.

-She shook her head. Draken just pointed to a street and told me to get there as soon as possible. No more, no less.

-I see.

Suddenly the ambulance siren sounded loudly in the narrow alleyway, making us jump to our feet.

-Right here! I shouted.

Some firemen came to take Takemichi into the ambulance.

-Excuse me," said one of the firemen. Who called?

-I said, raising my hand.

-Are you...?

-His sister. I'm his sister.

He turned to Emma.

-And who are you?

My friend, who'd been following the exchange in silence until now, was startled.

-I'm a friend.

-Alright. Do you want to get in the ambulance?

Emma and I looked at each other.

-We don't see why not.


We'd been at the hospital for a while. Takemichi was asleep in a bed and Emma had gone to phone Mikey and Draken.

As for me, I was dozing.

Suddenly Takemichi woke up and stretched, making me jump.

One of his hands touched Emma's breast.

-Hands off! Emma exclaimed, irritated.


-Oh, Emma! When did you get back? I wondered.

-Reina! You were here?! A hospital?

-You fainted while we were running, I explained. So I called an ambulance and Emma joined me.

I turned to her.

-By the way, what's the news?

Emma's anger subsided and she started to cry, surprising me and my brother.

-There's been a clash between Mikey and Draken.

-What are you talking about? I exclaimed, frowning. What's all this about?

-A... About what? Takemichi wanted to know.

-I don't know," cried Emma. But things got out of hand and the Tokyo Manjikai split between pro-Mikey and pro-Draken. Everyone was arguing about Pachin's statement.

I jumped to my feet in anger.

-But this is crazy! I'm going away for a day! I'm away for a day! And they find a way to ruin the Toman. I can't believe it!

Emma cried harder and fell into Takemichi's lap.

-Don't cry, Emma! my brother tried to console her.

-Do you think Draken's all right? I don't understand anything...

-He's responsible too. What's happening to him is partly his fault," I mumbled.

How can you keep calm when you're surrounded by idiots like that!

It was at this wonderful moment that Hinata chose to enter Takemichi's hospital room.



The Moebius arc is almost over, finally! 😭

It's taken 14 chapters, but the arc is coming to an end.



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