24 : 2005 & 2017

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A day had passed since 3 August. I'd had a visit from Takemichi, who'd cried for three-quarters of the time he'd been in my room and then told me what had happened after the nurses had put me to sleep. I was extremely relieved to hear that Draken was alive. I'm going to get told off, but if that's the price for him surviving, then I'll take it. Emma and Hinata had also come.

Then it was the turn of the Toman captains to visit me.

They lectured me for what they called my 'reckless and dangerous action'.

Peyan, for his part, apologised profusely. I reassured him that I didn't hold it against him in the slightest.

It was now 6.30 pm and I hadn't had a minute to myself because of all his visits.

I was happy about it, but it was still exhausting.

Suddenly I heard the door open.


I stood up and turned towards the owner of the voice.

-Mikey,' I said.

He sat down on a nearby chair.

There was a long silence. I knew he was holding back.

-Say... he finally spoke. Why did you do it?

I tilted my head to one side.

-Isn't that obvious? The Toman credo is to protect each other.

-It depends how much! You haven't thought for a moment about what would have happened if you'd died! he cried. Think of all the people who care about you. Draken would have blamed himself forever if anything had happened to you. You don't know how worried I've been!

I was looking out of the window.

-I want to live with as few regrets and as few 'what ifs' as possible,' I said softly.

-Look at me.

I turned to the head of the Toman.

-Would you have abandoned me just for that reason? You know me, you know that the more loved ones I lose, the less control I have over THEM.

-I'm not going to abandon you. If it worries you so much, I'll even make you a promise.

I took her little finger with mine.

-I promise I won't leave before you do.

I smiled.

-And that's it, we're linked now.

Mikey smiled back.

-Yes, you're right.


Another 2 days had passed since that promise. I was now out of hospital.

I'd been to see Draken, who'd told me off for being unconscious. Anyway, I'm getting used to it now.

I was currently in town to get my mind off things and start scouting for Mikey's birthday present.

As I rounded a corner, I spotted a familiar blonde face.

I went over to her and exclaimed with a big smile as I put my hands on my friend's shoulders:

-Bouh! How's Calliopée?

She gasped and turned to see who had just accosted her.

-Rei...Na? What are you doing here?!? It's been ages! How have you been?

I put both hands in front of me.

-Calm down, one question at a time. So first of all, I'm scouting for Mikey's birthday present. Secondly, yes I'm fine, I'm glad to be out of hospital.

-Huh?!? Hospital?!? What do you mean?!?

I pointed to a coffee shop.

-Would you like something to drink? It's going to take a while to explain.


2017 :

Takemichi Hanagaki was currently torn between joy and fear.

Joy that Hina was alive and fear of confessing his feelings to her after hearing his ex-girlfriend's revelations.

He suddenly had a flash.

-Was it? he asked himself. It's strange, Naoto hasn't told me anything about my sister. Does that mean she's alive?

Takemichi was about to leave the public toilets when he came face to face with a familiar-looking man.

-Huh? he said. Isn't he in the car? Pff, what a pain... I wanted to kill two birds with one stone. It looks like it won't be as easy as with his sister.

-Is he talking to himself?' muttered Takemichi. He's weird...

But then he noticed the tattoos on the man's hands.

Hanma?!? he thought, taken aback. I don't feel it at all.

Takemichi suddenly thought of what the man had said.

The car?!? And when he said 'It doesn't look like it's going to be as easy as his sister', he was talking about Reina?!?

-Hina! he shouted, running towards the car.

No sooner had he arrived than he saw a lorry hurtling towards where his ex was standing.

He rushed towards the car.


Takemichi turned towards Atsushi who was in the truck. He repeated the same words as when he'd jumped off the roof.

Then the truck exploded. The blast knocked Takemichi to the ground.

He struggled to his feet and headed for the car.


The young woman opened her eyes with difficulty and looked weakly at Takemichi.


Beautiful drawing by Glwadys_chan🤩

Beautiful drawing by Glwadys_chan🤩

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