25 : 2017 & 2005

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-Hang on, I'll get you out! Takemichi shouted. Hina, the flames are going to reach the tank! You've got to get out of there!

He held out his hand as far as he could to the young woman.

-Takemichi... Murmured the latter.

-We haven't got time to talk! The car could explode, hurry up!

-Thanks for everything...

-You can thank me later! Takemichi exclaimed in panic.

He knew perfectly well that the car was going to explode very soon. He hadn't been able to save his sister, but that wouldn't be the case with Hina!

-I can't... murmured the young woman. I can't move my legs... I can't feel anything.

Takemichi stared in horror at his love's shattered legs.

He took a deep breath, threw himself into the car and hugged Hinata with all his strength.

-Tomorrow as yesterday, here and elsewhere, I'll always love you!

-Me too," said Hinata. Go away then.

-I won't go.

-I don't want the one I love to die with me. Besides, Reina would never forgive me.

Takemichi frowned.

-What ?

-You know, the last time I saw her was just before she died. She was terrified, I think she was afraid for her life. She confided a lot of things to me, Takemichi. Maybe that's why this accident happened.

-Did she tell you who ordered her murder and why? Takemichi asked, suddenly forgetting the urgency of the situation.

-Yes... Hinata said. I can see her in front of me... That means I'm going to die, doesn't it? She came looking for me...

-Who was his murderer, Hina? And why is she dead?

-Tetta Kisaki...

Takemichi didn't have time to say a word as his ex pushed him out of the car, which exploded.

He was thrown to the ground again by the blast.

He struggled to his feet, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Takemichi stood in front of the burning car and shouted:

-I'll save you, I swear it! No matter how many times I fail, I'm ready to start again as many times as it takes to rewrite history and find you one day! Nothing and no-one will stop me!

He turned and started to leave.

-Hina, Reina, I've made my decision. I'm going to become the leader of the Tokyo Manjikai! Takemichi decreed.


2005 :

I was sitting in front of the TV waiting to leave for the Toman meeting.

From what I understood, a new captain was going to be appointed to replace Pachin.

I didn't know who was going to be appointed as the meeting had taken place while I was in hospital.

I hoped this new captain would be nice. I got on well with the other leaders, but I know better than anyone how hard it is to get respect in the gang world when you're a girl.

Suddenly someone rang the doorbell.

I frowned. Strange, I wasn't expecting anyone.

I opened the door slowly to reveal Baji.

-Kei?!? I wondered. What are you doing here?!?


Baji was the person at Toman with whom I got on best, apart from Mikey of course. From the moment we met until now, we've spent a lot of time together. I remember how much fun it was when the three of us were with Kazutora. Then later with Ryusei and Chifuyu.

I smile, genuinely for once.

-Seriously, what are you doing here?

He put both hands behind his head to look innocent.

-I had nothing to do, so I thought I'd bring my best friend to the meeting.

I crossed my arms.

-But yes, that's right," I said, mockingly. Tell me the truth, what have you done ?

-I've been banned from the meetings," admitted Baji, looking up at me.

-WHAT?!? How the hell did you do that? This has never happened before!

-I hit a member of the Toman," he said with all the seriousness he could muster.

I frowned.

-Just for that? OK, internal quarrels are forbidden, but you're still the captain of the first division...

-He was the future leader of the third brigade.

I hit him on the back of the head.

-Ouch! Are you crazy?! Baji replied, rubbing his head.

-I'm the one who should be asking you that question! What were you thinking?! I exclaimed.

He put both his hands in front of him as if to protect himself from me.

-I swear I had a good reason!

He looked much more serious. I was startled, I'd never seen him like that before.

-Rei. Please promise me two things. The first is that you'll trust me no matter what. The second is to watch out for the new captain. He will lead the Toman to its ruin, even if I can't show you my proof yet.

I nodded:

-I promise.

Baji smiled at me.

-Great. Now get on, you're going to be late otherwise," he said, pointing to his bike.


-Yes ?

-You have to promise me one thing too. Whatever happens, take care of yourself.

-I promise," he said.

I smiled and got on the back of his motorbike.

Baji started up and we set off for the shrine.


Baji finally makes history! It's not like I promised to introduce him in the first few chapters... 😅

It's about time, the Valhalla arc started anyway...

Kazutora arrives either in the next chapter or the one after that...

That's it!



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