6 : 2010 & 2005

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2010, two days after Reina's death :

POS Mikey:

I'm in one of the Toman's hideouts, Kisaki has just sent me an urgent letter.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I read the letter Kisaki has sent me.

Rei... Rei is dead.

My hands tremble as I crumple up the piece of paper and throw it angrily to the floor.

I look up at the window near the ceiling.

You can see the sky through it.

-You liar... You said you wouldn't leave before me. But you lied to me, you abandoned me! I exclaimed angrily.

I remained silent for a moment, panting.

My tears fell to the floor as I tumbled to the ground.

-Reina... What am I going to do on my own? Why? Who killed you? Who killed you? Tell me, I'll kill him. Please, just one last time, I want to hear your voice... I whispered.


2005 :

-This is the last time! The last time I ride this merry-go-round of woe! Emma exclaimed, pointing at the rollercoaster.

-It was you who wanted to go on it, I reminded her, tilting her head to one side.

Emma blushed, embarrassed. I could easily guess that she had chosen this attraction at random to escape our conversation.

Still, I wondered what Draken liked so much apart from Mikey and motorbikes.

-Do you want to go on another ride? I asked him gently.

-No, it's all right, I'm worn out from the ride. Besides, I've got to get dinner ready. I might as well go straight home.

-OK, I'm in.


-Good morning, Sir! I exclaimed as I walked through the front door.

Emma and Mikey's grandfather turned towards me

-Reina! What a nice surprise! It's been a long time since you came to eat. Does Mikey know? he exclaimed.

-No, it'll be a surprise," Emma informed him.

I nodded and turned to the girl.

-Do you want some help?

-I wouldn't say no!


-Reina? What are you doing here?! Mikey exclaimed when he spotted me.

-Surprise! I'm staying to eat! I said with a big smile.

-That's great! he exclaimed happily.

I suddenly remembered that Michi had found out about my relationship with Mikey.

-How did my little brother react? I asked.

-I couldn't tell you frankly, I think he's scared of me so he didn't object," he replied.

- Ahah, I'm not looking forward to going home... Anyway, are we going to eat?

-Of course we are!


A few days later...

Toman meeting.

I was currently on the back of Mikey's bike.

-I'm going to speed up Rei, do you mind? Mikey asked me.

-Why are you asking me? You know I love speed.

-I'm sure you do," he smiled.

At this speed we arrived at the sanctuary.

-Rei, Mikey! Draken called out to us.

-Hey!" I exclaimed as I got off the bike to join him.

-We've invited your little brother," informed the vice-president of the Toman.

I frowned:


-I like him a lot," smiled Mikey. He reminds me so much of Shinichiro...

-Does he really?

-Yes, he does. Ah, here come the rest of the gang!

Indeed, hundreds of bikers pulled up to the shrine, as if to confirm his words.

-I can see Baji and Mitsuya! I said as I spotted them.

-I'm still glad... Draken grumbled.

-The captain of the second division called out to us. Mikey, your mate's here.

We all turned to see Mitsuya arriving in the company of Takemichi and Hinata.

-Hi Takemichou," said the boss of the Toman, smiling. I'm sorry I had to warn you at the last minute.

-Are you stupid or what? Why did you bring your girlfriend?

-Sorry, I didn't really understand the situation... Takemichi apologised, running a hand over the back of his head.

-Reina! exclaimed his girlfriend as she joined me.

-Hello hello Hina!

-Ah yes, hello!" exclaimed Draken when he saw her. Sorry again about the other day, eh? We just wanted to test Takemichou, not scare you.

-No problem!

Draken turned and called out:

- Hey! Emma!

-I'll be right there," she answered.

-That's Takemichou's girlfriend, of course she's awake.

-That's rolled. Oh! Hi, you wimp! Emma exclaimed with a smile.

Michi looked like she was about to faint.

-Who are you talking about? Who's the wimp? Hinata asked, annoyed.

-How do you know Emma? I asked.

-Why .. began Hina

-Did she call you a wimp? I added.

-I don't know why! I've forgotten everything! Takemichi shouted, on the verge of fainting.

-I can't believe you left when I put on my bra, you're such a wimp," muttered Emma.

-You learn something new every day," said Hinata, grabbing a baseball bat.

-Even I don't know what happened, I don't remember anything... Don't I? he exclaimed as he saw the bat. Where did you find that? Hina?!?

I sighed, oh, Michi, what have you got yourself into?!

I turned back to Emma.

-I'm really sorry," I apologised. I apologise for my little brother.

-HEIN?!? The wimp is your little brother, Rei? exclaimed the young girl.

-And yes...

-What do you mean, in a bra? Mikey asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

-It's a long story...

The leader of the Toman turned sharply towards me, surprising me.

-Reassure me, Rei. Emma didn't get you into trouble and you didn't end up in a bra?

-What?!? No !


Hey ✌🏻

I felt sorry for Mikey when he found out Reina was dead 🥲.

Anyway, next chapter, I introduce Baji and Chifuyu.

Reina is vice-president of the Toman along with Draken.

Hi 👋🏻


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