13 : 2005

83 0 0

-Sorry, Mikey. Pachin muttered. I'm such a loser...

-Don't say that! Mikey reassured him with a smile. You haven't lost... Far from it!

From that moment on, the members of the Moebius gang unleashed their insults.

-What's the matter?

-Have you cracked?!

-He got his ass kicked, it's obvious!

I sighed, they disgusted me. They hadn't done anything because they were all too weak to intervene, but they were taking the liberty of criticising.

Beside me, Mikey gently placed Pachin on the ground.

Then he calmly walked over to Osanai. Still being taunted:

-Cut the crap!

-Come on, Mikey, bow down!

-We'll still beat the shit out of you, but whatever.

I raised my eyes to the sky. As if they had the capacity... !

-Did you think all you had to do was cry and we'd let it go?!

-Time for a spanking!

The leader of the Toman stood in front of Osanai, still silent.

I smiled; he didn't know what he was in for.

-What's up? Are you hot, Mikey? laughed the older man. I'm going to smoke you in 10 secon...

He never got to finish his sentence because Mikey kicked him hard in the temple, knocking him unconscious.

There was a blank. Everyone was still in shock at what had just happened.

-Whoever thinks that Pachin has lost, step towards me" began the leader of the Toman, his hair first hiding his face.

-I'm going to kill you all.

His locks parted in the wind, revealing a frightening look.

Suddenly, a Moebius had the wonderful idea of pushing it.

No doubt he had hoped that Mikey would kick the shit out of me.

I smiled at him and gave him a precise kick in the neck.

He fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone turned towards us.

Mikey gave me a questioning look.

I shook my head. It meant: I'll explain later.

The head of the Toman crossed his fingers to let me know it was a promise, then continued his 'speech':

-The Tokyo Manjikai is my clan. As long as I'm here, nobody will have lost a single fight," he finished with a big smile.

There was another moment of silence.

Then Mikey turned to Draken and me.

-Sorry, Kennychou, Rei. I couldn't resist," he said.

-You really can't handle it, Mikey! Draken exclaimed with a smile.

I laughed slightly.

Suddenly the head of the Moebius clan rushed towards his counterpart with a broken bottle, shouting.

-Osanai! Watch out, Mikey! Draken shouted.

-Draken! Takemichi shouted back.

I had less time to be surprised than the vice-president, so I got in between Mikey and Osanai before he did.

-Rei! Draken exclaimed.

I blocked Osanai before he could touch me and kneed him in the stomach.

There were shocked murmurs.

Draken came closer to us.

-You want to know what you did wrong, Osanai? You broke the code of honour. You picked on old people, you raped a chick, ... In short, you did anything," he said.

He threw a frightening glance at the members of the Moebius clan, who took a few steps back.

-Any others who want to try it out? I'll be happy to kill them one by one.

-What's with these idiots?!?

-Are they really at school?

I took my turn to speak:

-Mikey kicked the shit out of your boss! Any of you want to explain yourself to us? If you've got nothing to say, from now on the Moebius gang is under the orders of the Tokyo Manjikai.

The Moebius members began to whisper amongst themselves.

Mikey and Draken turned towards me. They were about to say something to me when the police sirens went off.

-Shit, the cops," said Draken.

Takemichi started to panic.

-Never mind, we'll talk later, Rei.

I nodded.

Peyan rushed towards us.

-They must be coming to congratulate us!

-Come on, Takemichou, let's make tracks! Mikey exclaimed, laughing.

-O... OK. How can he be so calm?

I let go of Osanai, who fell to the ground.

Draken called out to some members of the Moebius clan.

-Hey, you bastards! Don't scatter like rats! Come and help your boss!

-Er... Yeah!

Suddenly Pachin planted Osanai.

-I'll never forgive you, you bastard!

Osanai started spitting blood.

I let out a cry of astonishment, then pushed Pachin away and snatched the knife.

-What the hell are you doing, Pachin?!?! Draken shouted

Everyone turned towards us.

-Are you crazy?! exclaimed Mikey.

-Where did you get a schlass from? Panicked Peyan.

-Did he plant it? Takemichi exclaimed.

I knelt down next to Osanai to take his pulse.

-Isn't that right? That bastard stabbed Osanai! shouted a random guy.

The police sirens were getting closer and closer.

-We've got to get out of here! exclaimed Mikey.

-Sorry Mikey. Peyan, it's your turn to take over the third brigade. I'm going to give myself up to the cops.

-Have you cracked? shouted the head of the Toman.

Draken grabbed Mikey.

-Cut the crap, we can't leave him! shouted Mikey to his vice-president.

Then he addressed the captain of the third division:

-Come with us, man!

-We're all going to get squeezed," exclaimed Draken. Peyan! Take Rei with you!

He grabbed my wrist and we all ran out of the hangar.



How's it going?

Fine, I hope.

If not, who do you prefer between Mikey and Draken?



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