Special chapter

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Yo people! This is a special chapter, as the title suggests, where Reina and Calliopée Matsuno meet (Calliopée from Glwadys_chan's "L'atout").

As Mikey would say, Let's go Toman!


Calliopée POV

I was currently hiding behind a wall.

No, I wasn't doing anything suspicious.

I was just following Chifuyu and Baji to see where they were going.

I just wanted to see what their gang was like.

-Hi there! What are you up to? asked a cheerful voice behind me.

I shrieked in surprise and tried to punch the person behind me.

-Oula Oula, calm down! she said, dodging my attack with ease. I mean you no harm, I assure you!

Strangely enough, her words had the effect of calming me down.

I then looked at the person I had attacked.

It was a young girl who must have been about the same age as me. She had long wavy black hair and big violet eyes. Despite the fact that I'd tried to hit her, she was smiling.

-To answer your question," I said, "I'm spying on my brother to see if his gang is treating him well.

-exclaimed the girl. You're Chifuyu's sister! That's exceptional!

I suddenly realised that, firstly, it was very strange that she was at a gang meeting place and, secondly, that she knew my brother and called him by his first name.

-Yes... I replied cautiously. But who are you?

-I'm sorry, but I'm so dizzy! exclaimed the girl, laughing. I forgot to introduce myself, forgive me! My name's Reina Hanagaki and I'm vice-president of the Tokyo Manjikai gang.

-Wait, WHAT?!? This is the first time I've seen a girl who's part of a gang!

-Do you want me to help you hide better? Reina asked me cheerfully.

-Euuuuhhhh, yes I would.

POS Reina:

-What's your name anyway? I asked her, having given her my first name but I didn't know hers.

-My name is Calliopée... she replied, slightly hesitant. Did my brother ever mention me to you?

-Not really, he doesn't often talk about his personal life. I just know that he likes Shojos a lot.

Calliopée frowned.

-If I were him, I'd have bragged about having a sister like me! she exclaimed as seriously as she could.

So as not to laugh, I quickly changed the subject and found her a better place to hide, because her previous hiding place was really ridiculous.

-You could hide behind these bushes, they're quite thick but they'll give you a good view of the whole meeting. I pointed to the bushes with my finger. What's more, there are trees behind them so no-one will see you.

-Thank you very much Hanagaki! she thanked me, giving me a thumbs-up.

-You're welcome! Call me Reina! I say, smiling at her. I've got a bit of time before the meeting starts, I can stay with you if you like! I suggested.

-I'd love to, Reina, otherwise I might get bored. She said with a sigh.

-I just have one question. I asked her curiously.

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