10 : 2005

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Takemichi Hanagaki was walking down the street, hands in his pockets.

He remembered the last conversation he'd had with his friend Atsushi and the one before that with Naoto. In the present. He had discovered many things, but the wound caused by Atsu's death was still alive in his heart.

With Naoto:

-You know, Naoto, deep down Mikey's a good guy," says Takemichi.

Naoto's face expressed surprise.

-What was that? Why didn't you kill him?

Then, without the 27-year-old knowing why, the policeman suddenly became angry.

-He probably gave the direct order to kill Reina! And he murdered my sister! Has he turned your brain upside down or what?!?

-No, he didn't! Takemichi exclaimed.

Naoto launched into an anti-Mikey monologue.

His friend sighed and sat down on the sofa.

-Naoto... Let's go and see Mikey.

-Absolutely out of the question! shouted the policeman.

-I want to see him again and hear his version of events.

-It won't change a thing!

Takemichi leapt up from the sofa.

-Mikey's someone you can trust! I want to ask him straight out why Tokyo Manjikai has changed so much and ... Why he killed my big sister.

With Atsushi:

-... If you only knew how much I'm freaking out...

Atsushi Sendo murmured, looking up at the sky. I'm so scared of Kisaki.

He turned back to his friend.

-Takemichi. Mikey started to change after Draken's death and sank when Reina died.

-Huh?!? cried the time traveller. Draken's dead?!? And it wasn't Mikey who gave the order to kill my sister?

Atsushi frowned.

-What are you talking about? he asked. Reina Hanagaki was killed by an anti-Toman.

-No, she wasn't. She was murdered by a member of the Toman.

The Toman executive widened his eyes.

-What?!? But Kisaki assured us it was an anti-Toman.

-Kisaki... Takemichi muttered between his teeth.

Then he raised his head.

-Atsu, can you tell me more about the death of Draken and Reina?

His friend sighed:

-He should never have died. It's not at all what was planned. As for Reina... When she died, the boss devastated an entire building. I mean, furniture, wallpaper and... People too. That's how Mikey was never seen again.

The time traveller snapped out of his thoughts and sighed.

At least he was now sure that Mikey hadn't killed Reina.


-Mikey? Draken? I stammered.

What the hell was going on here in the end?

I turned sharply towards Mitsuya, annoyed.

He gave me an apologetic look.

Mikey got up and came towards me.

-Don't be too angry with Mitsuya. I'm the one who told him to do it. he said. Seeing as you weren't answering any of my calls or messages - the same goes for Kennychou - I had to use a more drastic method to get you here.

I glared at him.

-Anyway! Draken interrupted, coming between us. Now that everyone's here, we can start the meeting about the battle with Moebius.

Mikey nodded and returned to sit on the wooden plank he'd left a few seconds earlier.

Then he gave me a look that meant: we'll talk later.

I was not at all happy about this prospect.

I sighed and went to stand next to Peyan, as far away as possible from Mikey and Draken.

-Hello Reina," he greeted me with a small smile.

-Hello hello", I replied, smiling and waving.

The leader glared at us.

-We're here to talk about a serious matter. We don't need you disrupting the meeting," he reprimanded us.

He pointed to an empty seat on his right.

-We need to be efficient for this meeting. We can't afford to be disturbed so close to the battle. So Rei, come here.

I stared at him in surprise. What the hell was he thinking?

To Mikey's left, Draken was trying to disguise a fit of laughter as a coughing fit.

-OK," I said, smiling awkwardly.

So off I went to the place I'd been assigned against my will.

I was being asked to take part in a meeting about a fight that I had no right to attend.

It's all very logical here. I suspected that Mikey had only brought me here to have a chat about my behaviour over the last few days.

-Now we can get started," announced Draken.

We all nodded.

That was the moment my little brother chose to storm into the hangar.

-What's going on Takemichou? Mikey asked.

-What are you doing here Michi? I whispered.


Hi people

How are you ? 😊

I hope you're still enjoying the story.

It's the start of the Moebius arc so the start of the problems.

Here you go

Bye 👋🏻


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