19 : 2005

37 0 0

Draken turned around.

-I'll be damned! Where did they go?

-We'll find them in the end. The festival's not that big,' Emma reassured us.

I nodded. But in truth I was worried, I had a bad feeling.

As if to confirm my idea, it suddenly started raining.

-Oh no, it didn't! It can't be! Emma exclaimed. The festival's ruined!

-Right. Draken says, taking out his umbrella. We'll find Takemichou and the others and then we'll go home.

Emma nodded and took out her umbrella too.

I suddenly remembered that, being the airhead that I was, I had NOT taken an umbrella.

Seeing my embarrassed smile, Emma sighed:

-Let me guess. You forgot to take one.

-Er, yes, slightly.

-How can you 'slightly' forget an umbrella.

Emma put her hands on her hips.

-That's so like you.

Draken handed me his umbrella.

-Go on, take it.

I hesitated.

-But if I do that, you'll get caught in the rain! I said worriedly.

The vice-president of the Toman shoved it into my hands.

-That's it! That way, you won't have to feel bad.

-Thank you very much.

-We can share mine if you like,' Emma said hopefully.

-No, that's OK. Your umbrella's too small for both of us, you'll get wet if we share it.

Finally, a nice comment! Yes !

Emma nodded, but she seemed happy.

I'm so happy for you!

Suddenly someone shouted behind us:


The three of us turned to look at Peyan, who was looking pretty upset.

-Oh? Peyan? What's wrong with you? Why are you wearing your tasuki?

I held on to the umbrella, knowing that the vice-captain of the third division was a good person, but I couldn't help worrying.

-Why are you making that face? asked Emma, who hadn't fully understood the seriousness of the situation.

-Emma, go away and take Rei with you.

-What are you saying?

-It's dead, I'm staying! I exclaimed.

The second vice-president glanced at me.

-No, it's too dangerous.

I sighed and abandoned my eternal smile.

-I don't know what you and Mikey have got into your heads, but I'm not weak and defenceless. Against all odds, I'm still the first vice-president of the Toman. After our president, I'm the strongest in the clan.

-Go away Reina! Peyan shouted at me. Stay out of this!

-Have you all been passing the word or what? I shouted. I'm staying, full stop.

Draken sighed:

-We'll deal with that later. Stay behind me.

Then he shouted at Peyan:

-You still haven't given up, have you? You got a problem with me? Do you want to sort it out?

He cracked his neck.

-Go on, I'm hot.

Suddenly we heard footsteps coming from behind us.

-DRAKEN! Emma shouted.

I turned round in shock to see a member of the Moebius clan rushing towards my friend with a baseball bat, who hadn't even realised he'd been hit.

Everything happened very quickly after that:

My body moved on its own and I got in the way.

The bat hit my head hard.

I felt blood running down my head and my vision blurred. I felt myself fall

-REINA! Draken shouted as he grabbed me. IDIOT! WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!

I smiled weakly at him.

-I protect my friends no matter what. That's the rule we founded the Toman on, remember?

-It's exactly because of this kind of behaviour that Mikey and I don't want you to take part in the fight!

Then he turned back to Emma.

-Call emergency right away.

My friend, who was in tears, picked up her phone.

Peyan looked at me apologetically.

-I told you to leave. I warned you. Why didn't you listen to me?

A lot of limbs suddenly came out of the undergrowth.

-Reina the peerless is down! Well done! exclaimed a Moebius to the one who had hit me.

Draken took a deep breath.

-Emma. Take care of Rei.

Then he turned to me:

-I swear whoever did this to you will pay. And a hundredfold.

Then he headed off towards the Moebius.

Emma hugged me, crying.

-Reinaaaaaaa! Don't you die on me!

-I'm not planning to! I reassured her.

My friend quickly took down a dozen Moebius.

Suddenly, Takemichi and Mitsuya came running.

-DRAKEN! shouted my little brother.

-Oh... Mitsuya, Takemichou...

-Mitsuya! Takemichi!' cried Emma.

They turned towards us.

The captain of the second division widened his eyes.

-Reina! What's happened to you? he exclaimed, kneeling down beside me.

I smiled weakly.

-Don't worry about me...

-That crazy girl took a hit for me!

I glanced at my little brother. He was staring into space as if contemplating a scene we couldn't see and he was shaking.

-All that blood... he murmured in a trance. No... Not yet...


A friend drew Reina on her notebook (it's a maths notebook so don't pay attention to what's around it). And she's so beautiful 😍!

If it says Reina twice, that's because it's my handwriting at the top and my friend's at the bottom

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If it says Reina twice, that's because it's my handwriting at the top and my friend's at the bottom.

Thank you  ❤️



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