Special chapter 2

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Hellooo, this is the continuation of last time's special chapter.

Hello dear readers!

I'd like to welcome you to this new chapter, which is a collaboration with @Elainehoshino and features the continuation of the meeting between Calliopée and Reina (Reina of course coming from "My promise").

I'll let you read this chapter and hope you like it!


POS: Reina Hanagaki

-Do you want me to take you home, Reina? Mikey asked me once the meeting was over.

-I don't mind, it's rather late! I said, responding positively to his offer.

-Well, see you next time, Kennychou! he exclaimed, waving goodbye to him.

-See you next time, Draken!

The latter simply nodded and headed towards his motorbike.

-Let's go Rei! He said, taking my hand and leading me to his motorbike.

We both got on and he started off in the direction of my house.

He took advantage of the fact that there were only two of us on the motorbike to ask me what I was doing five minutes before the start of the Toman meeting behind a bush with another girl.

-She wanted to attend the meeting without her brother noticing. I told her. She wanted to make sure he was treated well.

-Who's her brother? he asked me curiously.

-It's Chifuyu.

-What?" he exclaimed. he exclaimed, stopping hastily at the side of the road. He's got a sister!

-Yes, it surprised me too.

-I absolutely must call him and ask him!

-No!" I shouted in panic. Otherwise he'll know.

Too late, he had already dialled Chifuyu's number and he had already picked up.

-Chifuyu, is it true that you have a sister?! Why didn't you ever tell us? Mikey was shouting into the phone.

I sighed, desperately putting my head in my hands. He hadn't put the speakerphone on, so I couldn't follow what he was saying.

I'm really sorry, Calliopée...

-He's hung up... the blond man announced in disappointment.

-You amaze me...

POS: Calliope Matsuno

I was currently on my way home. I didn't know why, but I had a bad feeling.

Suddenly, I felt my flip phone vibrate in my pocket.

I opened it to see who was trying to reach me. It was Reina. I didn't think she'd try to text me so soon.

Speaking of text messages, I looked at the one my new friend had sent me.

It said "Hey, 😅 sorry to call you so late but I need to tell you something before you get home".

Intrigued, I called her.

She answered immediately.

-Hello Calliopée? I really am, but Mikey's told Chifuyu everything.


-Pardoooonnnn, I'm so sorry! I'll try to make it up to you, I promise! Reina apologised on the phone.

I sighed and ran a hand over my forehead.

My promise (MikeyxOc)Where stories live. Discover now