23 : 2005

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-Atsushi? my brother asked, as surprised as I was.

-What are you whining about now? he retorted with his back turned.

He turned round, smiling.

-Takemichi the crybaby hero !

The other three friends also emerged from the bushes.

-Mizucho's five bastards are coming in force!

-Watcha! cried Makoto and Yamagishi, striking a bizarre pose.

Despite the situation I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

-You're all here, guys... Takemichi murmured.

-Tachibana called us! Explained Atsushi.

-Let us handle it! shouted Takuya.

He was one of Takemichi's two childhood friends along with Kakucho. Unfortunately Kakucho had gone who knows where when he was 8 years old.

I was pleased to see that Takemichi had some loyal friends.

-We're boiling hot! says Makoto. You're about to experience the dance of the crane and the bite of the horsefly!


Despite all these fine words, they were quickly demolished.

It wasn't a pleasant sight to see, it looked like torture.

-It doesn't make any difference whether there are five or six of you! You're still blarfs! Akaishi exclaimed, glaring at Atsushi on the ground.

-Draken... I'm sorry... said my brother.

We both turned towards him.

-I couldn't protect you on my own.

I took him in my arms.

-You don't have to worry. It's normal, that's life. Not everything works out the way you want it to. Sometimes we do our best but we don't succeed, but that doesn't mean that what we did was useless. I'm proud of you. I've seen you overcome yourself and not give up, and that's moved me.

-Reina... my brother cried through my embrace. You don't understand, I can't fail otherwise...

-Listen to your sister,' Draken advised him. I too am grateful for everything you've done.

-Reina... Draken...

I struggled to my feet.

My brother and my friend stared at me in surprise.

I smiled at them.

-Even with a serious hand injury, Takemichi didn't give up. So a head injury isn't going to discourage me. I'm going to save you, I promise.

-Rei! Your wound's pretty serious too! Draken warned. So be careful!

-I promise!

I walked towards the members of the 3rd team.

-What do you think you can do to us in this state? taunted Akaishi.

I kneed him hard in the neck.

As I didn't have much natural strength, I had to do a somersault to give my leg enough momentum to hurt someone.

Akaishi fell to the ground.

As I wasn't feeling very well, my blow had lacked power so he hadn't fainted. Even so, he was immobilised for a little while longer.

Suddenly, as if to celebrate my victory, the ambulance sirens went off.

-We've won! Takemichi murmured.

-Uh! The cops!

Emma and Hinata came running back towards us.

-Takemichi! The ambulance has arrived and so have the police! cried the latter.

I felt my legs give way under me and I fell to the ground. This time I felt I wouldn't be able to get up again.

-What do we do?' asked one of our opponents.

-Let's get out of here!

-What about Kiyomasa and Red?

-Who cares?

They ran off.

-I've always opened my mouth to get hot and that's got me nowhere,' said Takemichi.

Draken and I turned back to him.

-But none of it was any use,' continued my brother, smiling. Because my mates and my sister never took their eyes off me.

Draken and I smiled in unison.

-We did it Takemichi, Reina! Takuya exclaimed with bated breath.

-Have you seen my super miracle punch? asked Yamagishi.

-I saw you getting smashed, yeah,' retorted Makoto.

-Oh, now's not the time for small talk! interrupted Atsushi. We've got to get Draken and Reina to the ambulance!

-O... Ok! cried Takemichi's friends as they helped us to the ambulance.

-Hurry up! Emma shouted, on edge.

We couldn't blame her, given the evening she'd just had.

The firemen got us into the ambulance and put Draken and me on stretchers.

My head was spinning and I could barely understand the nurses working around me.

-The injury is potentially serious if it isn't treated in time!

-Is there a head injury?

-We'll have to take x-rays to find out!

-Don't faint, OK? says a first aider. Hold on a bit longer.

Takemichi's gaze went from Draken to me in panic.

His hand injury had been treated, so I was reassured.

-We'll put him to sleep to limit the pain!

A nurse took a syringe and injected it into my arm.

Before falling asleep I shouted to my friend:

-Draken! If you die, you can't blame me for taking the shot for you. So live on, OK?

I drifted off to sleep without having time to hear his reply...


News about the next chapter:

-Calliopée will be making an appearance.

-Part of the chapter will take place in the future.

I hope you like the story.

Bye bye


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