9 : 2005

160 2 0

I hadn't seen Mikey for two days. I'd ignored his calls and messages (there were so many that I thought my mobile was going to overheat).

What I'd learnt from being around him was not to give him everything.

I was currently preparing breakfast for my brother and me.

I hadn't let him near a cooker since he tried to bake a cake on my birthday. It was a good idea, but it nearly ended in a fire.

The fire brigade actually came!

I sighed as I thought back to that incident.

I saw myself and my brother throwing buckets of water on the cooker in the hope of putting out the fire.

It was a birthday to say the least... original.

Meanwhile, breakfast had finished cooking. I arranged everything on two plates and put them on the table.

-Michi! I called. Breakfast's ready! If you don't come soon, everything will be cold.

There was no reply.

I doubted he'd heard me.

I heard a vague cry, "I e Drkn ssistant ! "

There was a blank where I tried not to laugh, and then my brother came into the kitchen and violently opened the door, a proud look on his face.

-Well, you look like you're in a good mood! I said with a smile. I'm glad.

He sat down at the table and I sat down too.

-Yes," said my little brother proudly. I've finally found the solution to a problem!

I suddenly realised.

-Ah! So that's why you were shouting in the bathroom! I exclaimed, clapping my hands.

Takemichi spat out his juice in shock and started coughing.

I leapt to my feet to avoid the spray.

-Oh dear! I shouted, patting him on the back. Are you all right?

-You've... Did you... Hear me? he asked, embarrassed between coughs.

-Yes," I said, fetching a cloth from the cupboard. At last I heard "I e Drkn ssistant !".

I came back to the table and handed him the cloth.

-Phew, if that's all! Michi muttered as he tried the table.

We finished eating while talking, then my brother got up and exclaimed:

-I'm off, big sister! I've got to carry out my plan!

Then he ran out of the house.

-Bye bye", I said, smiling, waving my hand. Good luck to you!

I got up and cleared the table.

Then I picked up my phone from the coffee table in the living room and checked to see if anyone had tried to contact me.

Still Mikey and Draken, but I wasn't going to answer them. And a message from Mitsuya.

I pressed the call key.


Hi, I'm taking Luna

and Mana to the arcade.

Do you want to come along?


                                            Yes! I really

                                            to come! They

                                             I missed            them!


Cool. See you there

Now then


                                      It works 👍🏻


15 min later (Reina got lost on the way)...

-Hello hello 😊! I exclaimed to Mitsuya and his sisters who were waiting for me outside the arcade.

-Reinaaaa! exclaimed Luna and Mana, throwing themselves into my arms.

-I've missed you! I said as I hugged them.

-Same here! exclaimed Luna.

Mitsuya came closer to us.

-What took you so long? You don't live that far away, do you? he asked.

-Aaah, I got lost! I smiled, embarrassed.

His eyes widened.

-How can that be? The number of times we've all been there together with Mikey and the others!

-I've got a terrible sense of direction.

(NDA: me too... 😅)



We spent the afternoon there. I really liked Luna and Mana, it was always good to see them and the feeling was mutual.

When it was about 5.30pm, we decided to leave the room and go home.

I accompanied the Mitsuyas home.

Luna and Mana went inside and then their brother turned to me.

-Reina? Do you mind if we go somewhere?

-No, I don't mind at all. Let me just send a message to my brother to let him know I won't be coming home straight away.

I did so, and then we walked over to his motorbike.

We'd been driving for a while when I finally decided to say out loud what I'd been thinking.

-Mitsuya? Where exactly are we going? I asked him.

I knew he wouldn't take me anywhere dangerous, but I still wanted to know why I couldn't know where we were going.

-You'll find out. he answered simply.

I frowned and waited.


We finally arrived and were standing at the back of a hangar.

-It's weird, this place looks familiar," I mumbled to myself.

-Come on," said Mitsuya.

I followed him and we entered the hangar.

When I saw who was in the room I widened my eyes.

-... Mikey? Draken?


Hi ☺️

So Reina stayed angry for a long time (the fault of a friend who wanted drama. Yes, I blame you 🫵🏻).

Anyway, I don't have anything else to say except that Mitsuya was shady from the start 🤷🏻‍♀️.

There you go,



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