15 : 2005

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-Are you all right, Takemichi?! Hinata exclaimed as she stormed into Takemichi's room.

It must have been a funny scene to see me having a breakdown, Emma crying her eyes out and Takemichi juggling between the two of us trying to calm us down.

Hinata froze in front of my brother and Emma, then grabbed the bed curtain and shouted:

-Huuuuh?!? What??? What are you doing?!?

-Hic! Emma cried.

-Mmmh? What are you... Takemichi began before realising the situation he was in.

-BUT NO HINA!!! It's not what you think!!!

His girlfriend started shouting at him.

Emma got to her feet and begged me:

-You're going to do something about this, aren't you, Reina?

-I'll try," I replied.

I wasn't making any promises because I hadn't seen the seriousness of the situation with my own eyes.

Suddenly my phone rang, causing silence in the room, which had been so noisy a second before.

I looked to see who had called me and my face darkened.

I put a finger over my mouth to tell the others to be quiet, then went out into the corridor.

I picked up the phone.

-Hello, Mum," I said.

-Has Takemichi woken up?

-Yes, he's feeling better.

-Perfect, stay with him all the time while he's in hospital. I don't want to find out that he's escaped in the middle of his recovery!

I froze.

-I'm sorry, but that's not going to be possible. I have something very important to do very quickly," I explained.

-I'm sure it can wait a few days.

-Well, no," I protested.

-No discussion," ordered my mother before hanging up.

-You've got to be kidding me! I exclaimed.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down before going into the bedroom.

As soon as I crossed the threshold, I felt Takemichi, Emma and Hinata staring at me.

-Bad news," I smiled. Mum wants me to stay with you until you get out of hospital, Michi. So I won't be able to go and see Mikey and Draken.

-Can I? What are we going to do then? Emma exclaimed in despair.

-I don't know what we're going to do. In any case, let's hope the situation doesn't deteriorate any further," I sighed.

-I'm sorry," Takemichi apologised.

-Don't worry, it's not your fault.

Beside us, Hinata didn't understand a thing.


Today, Takemichi was FINALLY out of hospital!

I'd been trying to keep up to date with the situation thanks to Emma.

Apparently, nothing had changed. Neither in a good way nor a bad way.

I also knew that the division captains had tried to reconcile them but to no avail.

I knew this because they had all phoned me begging me to intervene

To which I replied the same as to Emma.

So I was going to try and see Draken and Mikey tonight, and hope I could do something.

I was just coming back from the shopping centre where I'd done the shopping for tonight's dinner.

Everything was going pretty well today.

I had just left the shopping centre car park when a young man in his twenties accosted me.

I sighed inwardly. A flirt, that's all I needed!

-Hi there ~

I repressed myself inwardly and managed to give him a friendly smile.

-Good afternoon. Do you need anything? I asked gently.

-Yes ~ he said in an exaggeratedly mawkish tone. Your number ❤️.

I forced myself to smile again.

-I'm sorry, but I'm already in a relationship," I said politely.

-Aw, I doubt he'd be better than me ~.

Even Osanai would be better than you!

-I'm sorry," I repeated, trying to leave.

Unfortunately for me (and for him), he grabbed my shoulder.

-Come on, I'm sure the two of us can have a chat! he insisted even more.

-No, we can't," I said flatly.

-I'm telling you it is!

I sighed, I didn't like to use excessive violence but in this case, I felt it was necessary.

-This is my last warning: Let go of me. I said in an icy voice.

-What are you going to do? What are you going to do to me? Laughs the flirt. You don't look very strong to me.

No sooner had he finished his sentence than he received my foot right in the middle of his face.

He fell pitifully to the ground, knocked out.

Sighing, I picked up my shopping bag and left the car park.

I looked at my wrist, where there were marks.

What bad luck! I'd only just recovered from the old ones.

I'd almost reached the house when I heard a terrible crash coming from my place.

I frowned and ran over.



And to think it's already the fifteenth chapter...

Well, the flirt is total improv, so I don't know if it's very well written. 😅

I just wanted to do something that wasn't in the manga to show Reina's life outside the gang.

Here you go

Bye 👋🏻


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