18 : 2005

52 0 0

Today is 3 August 2005, the day of the Musashi festival.

My name's Reina Hanagaki and I'm watching my brother test out all his shampoos with a completely stupid look on my face.

-Um Takemichi, what exactly are you doing?

-Hina invited me! he said with a smirk on his face.

I frowned.

-I know, I was there. But that doesn't tell me why you're emptying all the shampoo in the house.

My brother dropped the bottle in his hand in embarrassment.

The contents spilled onto the bathroom floor.

My brother and I stared at the disaster for a few moments, then my brother exclaimed:

-I'm sorry! I'll clean it up!

Before running off to get a mop.

I shook my head and sighed. He'd done something stupid again, but... Once again, I could see how much my brother had changed.

A few months earlier, if this incident had happened, he would have left the house and left me to clean up.

This drastic change in such a short time surprised me greatly.

No sooner had I thought that than my phone rang in the living room.

I rushed down the stairs and picked up.

-Hello?' I said. I said.

-Hello Rei?

It was Mikey.

-Yes, what is it?

-I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to the festival tonight,' he apologised.

-Has something serious happened? I was worried.

-Not at the moment... But I have received a worrying report.

-It's important if you come in person.

-Yes, well... Will you please tell the others for me?

-I'll tell Takemichi, but I'm not going to the festival.

-Rei. That's what you want. But we both know that's not reality.

It wasn't untrue... Knowing Emma, if I didn't come, she'd ring my doorbell and break it.

-I guess you're right.

-See you tomorrow.

-Bye bye.

I hung up. Suddenly Takemichi came up behind me with his mop.

-I've finished cleaning,' he said.

I turned to him, smiling.

-That's great. Mikey's just called, saying he's not going to the festival.

-Did he really? asked my little brother. So are you coming or not?

I put my mobile phone down on the table.

-Yes, because I don't want to be harassed by Emma. But unlike her and Hinata, I won't be wearing a kimono.

Takemichi nodded.

I suddenly remembered something.

-By the way, why were you emptying all the shampoo in the house?

-AAAAAAAHHH! Didn't you forget?

-Did you? Of course I hadn't! I lied.


-Ah, you're here at last! Draken snapped.

Because Takemichi had lost his keys, he, Hinata and I had arrived late.

Then the vice-president of the Toman noticed me.

-What's this? Why are you dressed normally? And where's Mikey?

I looked at my outfit: a black sleeveless top, black jeans and black boots, which was a good outfit, wasn't it?

-He's not coming,' I replied. He's got something taxing to do at the other club in town, apparently.

Draken frowned but nodded.

-How come I don't know about this? Emma whispered to me. I'm his sister after all!

-He was counting on me to tell you,' I murmured.

-That's where it becomes clear that you mean more to him than I do.

Before I could reply Draken exclaimed:

-Are you making progress or not?

Indeed, he, Takemichi and Hinata were several metres ahead of us.

-We're coming,' Emma and I answered in unison.


As we circled the festival, Takemichi and Hinata began to slow down.

Soon they were several metres behind us.

-Hurry up! Draken shouted, annoyed.

-I said calmly. They probably wanted to stay in love for the time being.

-There was no point in us all coming together!

We moved on a few more metres when Emma suddenly asked:

-How do I look? Does my summer kimono suit me?

I mentally encouraged her, hoping that Draken wouldn't make any blunders.

-Huh? I don't know... he replied.

I looked at him in despair. It was so complicated to say: 'It suits you'.

-Well, we're going to change the question,' said my friend. How do you like Reina?

He looked at me for a moment before saying:

-She's pretty.

I put my face in my hands. That wasn't the right thing to say to me! It's nice of you to be nice to me but it wasn't the right thing to say in front of Emma!

To lighten the mood, my friend suddenly exclaimed:

-Oh, a chourros stand!

Draken and I stared at her, dumbfounded.

-What do you mean by that?

-I want some,' she said.

-Personally, I don't mind,' I replied. But are you going to be able to eat them all?

-No! So you're going to help me eat them!

Sensing an opportunity to bring them closer together, I said:

-I'm not very hungry, so I'll pass.

Emma gave me a grateful look and then turned to Draken:

-OK. So it's just the two of us.

-Huh ? No, I'm not hungry.

I stared at him. Emma and I had been giving him the runaround for a while but he was ignoring it!

Suddenly remembering that I hadn't heard my little brother for a while, I turned round to see where he was.

-What happened? We've lost Takemichi and Hinata.


Hello, everyone!

I've got some great news!

For those of you who knew Glwadys_chan's 'The Trump' (unpublished story), I'm pleased to announce that its main character, Calliopée Matsuno, will be appearing in the story very soon (with the agreement of her 'owner', of course).

So that's that,

Bye bye 👋🏻


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