5 : 2005

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-I love hearing stories about dating! Hinata exclaimed happily.

I smiled at her.

-The fact that I told you I'd slapped him didn't put you off?

-Absolutely not! I want to know even more now! Hinata exclaimed, fearing that I'd go back on my decision to tell her.

-All right, all right, I'll do it," I tempered.

My little brother's girlfriend gave him a big smile.

-I had to go shopping for dinner, I remembered. But the road was blocked because of roadworks. So I had to take an alley to get to the supermarket. As I passed by, I saw two 8-9 year old boys chatting up a boy of the same age. So I... Resolved the situation.

-How did you do that? Hinata asked, eager to know.

I fidgeted in my chair, embarrassed. I smiled at her.

-That's not the most important thing. Anyway, the two stalkers ran off saying they were going to get revenge. Expect that they came out of the alley and bumped into Mikey and Draken. They heard them talking so they went to see. As I'd almost left the alley, all that was left was the little boy, who was tidying up his things that had fallen to the ground. Mikey and Draken thought it was him who had terrorised the other two boys.

I stopped for a moment and looked at Hinata.

She was staring at me. Well, who'd have thought she'd be so passionate about this story?

I continued:

-I suddenly heard screaming so I retraced my steps. Mikey had grabbed the little boy by the collar. I remember thinking, "Again?! I plucked up my courage and slapped the person who had grabbed the boy. In this case, Mikey. He was shocked. Then Draken got angry and slammed me into a wall. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to stop me moving. He said pretty much the same things to me as he did to you.

Hinata hissed, she hadn't expected this turn of events.

-I think I said something classy like this to her: I don't care what you do to me. But I won't let people like that mistreat an innocent.

I laughed slightly as I remembered the look on Draken's face at that moment. It was a mixture. He was impressed and confused at the same time.

-After my tirade, Mikey retorted that he wasn't innocent. He'd terrorised two boys he and Draken had bumped into at the entrance to the alley. So I told him otherwise. I told him that it was the other way round, the two boys were just gossiping. In fact, it was just a huge misunderstanding. Draken and Mikey apologised to the boy and, to apologise for putting me up against the wall, they invited me in for a drink," I finished.

I smiled, it had been a long time since I'd told that story. Almost unconsciously, I clutched the pendant dangling from my choker between my fingers.

-I'm glad it ended like this! Hinata exclaimed as she finished her drink.

-Me too I smiled.

My phone suddenly buzzed.

It was a message from Emma, Mikey's little sister and a very good friend. We got on really well straight away.



I'd rather remind you, as you're a bit of a hothead sometimes. We said we'd both go to the funfair at 5pm.


Thaaaaanks, you well done ^^


You're welcome 😉


I looked at the clock.

It was... 4.30pm!!!

If I wanted to get there in time I had to leave now.

I leapt to my feet, surprising Hinata.

-I'm so sorry! I apologised. I'd forgotten that I had an appointment with a friend.

-Oh, that's all right. We'll have to go out for a drink again sometime.

-Of course we will! Bye bye!


-Well, well, well! With the message you sent me, I thought you were going to be late! exclaimed Emma Sano, hands on hips.

-What are you on about? You know I'm always on time! I laughed.

-I know you are! How do you manage in the end!

-That's my secret! I replied, still smiling.

-By the way, would you like to come and eat at my home tonight? Emma asked. Mikey's always complaining that you should stay for dinner more often and Grandad would love to see you.

-I'd love to! I agreed. We'll surprise Mikey!


Suddenly she stopped in front of a clip-on machine.

-Do you remember the present Draken gave you for your birthday? I teased her.

-Yes... she said, her cheeks flushed. Unfortunately, there are only three things he likes. Motorbikes, Mikey and...

She stopped there in her sentence.

-Would you like to go to this one? Emma said, pointing to a merry-go-round.

-I'd love to!


Hello hello!

Here it is 🙃 the fifth chapter! Emma has made her entrance.

A quick question 🧐. Would you want Draken to be in love with Reina in this story? He would be the only other character (in real him and another) not counting Mikey to be.

It also reminded me that I'd never described Reina physically. So: she's got long wavy black hair, violet eyes and no fringes.

Here's a drawing of Reina done by a friend :

Here's a drawing of Reina done by a friend :

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She's so beautiful 😍.

I love seeing Reina drawn



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