7 : 2010 & 2005

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2010, Toman executive meeting:

All the important members of Toman were gathered around a long table with a feast on it. The only ones missing were the gang leaders, Manjiro Sano, Tetta Kisaki and Reina Hanagaki.

-Is it true what they're saying? Is she dead? asked Nahoya Kawata, former head of the 4th Toman division.

-What do you mean she's dead? What do you mean? exclaimed Pachin, who had previously led the third brigade, rising abruptly from his seat.

-Rei's dead, they said so on the news," replied Mitsuya.

-Is this some kind of joke? Are you kidding me?!

-Absolutely not. Believe me, I wish I hadn't known too.

-What happened? Did they say, Mitsuya? Smiley asked, cutting off the discussion already in progress.

-Yeah, they did. Apparently she was shot by an anti-Toman," said the former head of the second division with a serious look on his face.

-Mikey must have gone mental, mustn't he? muttered Angry behind his twin brother.

-I think so," said Mucho. Anyway, Reina was the only one with Kisaki who could talk to him in private. We haven't seen him for years.

-The seum! says Smiley. I wish I'd been at his funeral.

-It's the way we chose," sighed Mitsuya. When one of our own dies, we can't even say goodbye.

-This is Reina we're talking about! muttered Pachin.

-The main thing," cut in Mitsuya, "is that she'll be remembered for years to come.

-What a joke! Smiley retorted. As if Reina Hanagaki was the kind of person you could forget.


2005 :

-I beg your pardon, I won't do it again, says a disfigured Takemichi on his knees to Hinata.

-I don't care! Hinata said furiously as she stormed off.

I watched the scene with an embarrassed smile.

-Wow... How could you accept my proposal when you're going out with that tigress? Emma asked, her arms crossed.

She suddenly put her hands on her hips, surprising me and my brother.

-Don't get your hopes up," she continued. I don't feel anything for you.

-What ? Takemichi said.

I wished with all my heart that the meeting would start and get me out of this situation.

-I just wanted to become a woman as quickly as possible, that's all.

She turned to Draken and sighed:

-Look at this idiot. He doesn't give a damn about me, all he cares about is Mikey, bikes and fighting! And I was hoping to piss him off a bit

-Don't say that! Don't say that! I exclaimed.

-It's nice of you to comfort me," muttered Emma. But I don't have too many illusions. I'm not like you. I'm not capable of being adored by everyone.

-Not everyone loves me! I protested, making a cross with my hands. 🙅🏻‍♀️

-Really? Give me an example of someone who doesn't like you.

-Uhhhhhhhh, I can't find it at the moment but I will.

-There's no need," sighed Emma, crossing her arms again. You're so great... You deserve so much better than my brother.

-Hey ! I can hear you! exclaimed Mikey, who had been in the middle of a conversation with Draken and Mitsuya a moment before. Reina, don't listen to her!

-Yes, yes," I said to reassure him.

-I maintain," retorted the young girl, firmly.

-EMMA! snapped her elder brother.

-All right, all right, I'll stop!

Draken came closer to us.

-Have you finished? he asked.

-Yes, sorry! Takemichi said as we joined him.

-I'm sorry, Draken," I replied with an apologetic smile before heading towards Mikey.

-Bring it on, you bastards! The meeting's about to start! Draken shouted.

The members of the Toman formed two rows and bowed as we passed.

-My respects chief! shouted the thugs.

We crossed the path leading to the stairs.

-Raise your head and don't look at them," I whispered to my little brother as I leaned towards him. Otherwise they'll think you're taunting them.

-Thanks for the advice," Takemichi replied just as quietly.

Mikey reached the top of the stairs and turned back to the members of his gang, who straightened up.

There was no sound at all now.

Everyone was waiting for the leader's words.

-It's amazing," muttered my brother. All it took was for Mikey to step in front of them for the atmosphere to change completely. He really has a crazy presence!

-I agreed. When you have to rely on him, he's unapproachable. He behaves as a leader.

-Hey, can I join in the conversation? asked Mitsuya.

-Of course," I said, smiling.

-Thanks for earlier! Takemichi exclaimed.

-Keep it down! Otherwise we'll have Mikey and Draken on our backs. You're welcome" replied the leader of the second division.

It was at this point that Mikey chose to start talking:

-I've called you here to talk to you about those Moebius gang bastards.


Hello hello! How are you? ☺️

Mitsuya crashing in quietly. 😂

I hope you're still enjoying the story.

In short, I don't really have anything else to say...

I don't really have anything else to say

I don't really have anything else to say

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So bye bye 👋🏻


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