8 : 2005

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-I've brought you together to talk to you about those bastards from the Moebius clan," announced Mikey. If things get ugly, we can expect a huge pitched battle.

Beside me Takemichi frowned.

-What's Moebius? he asked.

-Mitsuya, brief Takemichou," ordered Draken to his friend.

The captain of the second division, my brother and I gasped.

How long had he been there?

-Hello, Draken, how long have you been listening to us," I asked Draken with a smile.

Draken frowned.

-I've only just arrived.

-Mitsuya cut us short. The Moebius clan is a gang of bosozoku who control the whole of Shinjuku. They've been around for two generations.

-Huh?!? But I thought it was the Tokyo Manjikai who controlled the district! Takemichi exclaimed in astonishment.

I shook my head.

-We rule Shibuya, not Shinjuku. We're a very young gang, you know," I said.

My little brother's eyes widened.

-And what Mikey's talking about is... Mitsuya replied.

But he was interrupted by Pachin who kicked Takemichi in the back.

I let out a cry of surprise as I put my hands in front of my mouth.

-Are you crazy?!  my brother shouted.

Peyan bent down to get to his full height.

-What's the matter? What's wrong with you? said the vice-captain.

Pachin, his hands in his pockets, glared at Takemichi.

-You're Hanagaki, aren't you? he finally asked.

Peyan straightened up slightly.

-Because of your bullshit, our buddy Kiyomasa took a bad beating the other day !

-How do you want us to sort it out? said his captain.

I felt anger welling up inside me, but I forced myself to keep an icy smile on my face.

-Pachin. I called him in a quiet voice.

He turned to me.

-What's wrong, Rei? he asked, slightly stressed at the sight of my smile.

-Tell me, was I dreaming or did you kick my little brother?

-Your... Your little brother?!?

-As for Kiyomasa," I cut him off coldly, "he's lucky it wasn't me who was sent if he was really placing bets. Because I can guarantee you he would have taken a lot more.

Draken came closer to us.

-Pachin! Stop confusing Rei and shut the fuck up.

-Sorry Draken, Reina," Peyan apologised, bowing.

Then he and his captain walked away.

-You can't blame them, Takemichou," sighed the vice-president.

-Seriously, they're nuts! muttered my brother.

Mitsuya explained to Michi what the Moebius gang had done to Pachin's friend and his girlfriend.

-It's horrible," Takemichi murmured.

-The Moebius clan are real psychos," I replied.

Meanwhile, Mikey had summoned Pachin.

-What are you going to do? asked the head of the Toman. Do you want to fight?

-They're a lot older than us, we're liable to get beaten up. And I don't want to drag the others into my troubles. But I have hate, Mikey.

-That's not what I asked you. he retorted. Do you want to fight or not?

-Of course I want to fight! I want to take them apart! shouted Pachin.

-I knew it," smiled Mikey.

Then he stood up.

-Listen up, everyone. After what happened to Pachin's mate, do you really want to make peace with Moebius? No ? That's what I thought! We're going to beat the shit out of the Moebius clan!

-TOMAN! TOMAN! shouted the gang members.

-Oh dear. We're back at war with a gang. It's been a long time," I sighed, smiling.

-We'll settle this on August 3rd during the Musashi festival," smiled Mikey, turning round.

-Takemichi" I said to my brother. Go home without me, all right?

-I will.

I joined Mikey and Draken at the back of the shrine.

-Ah Rei, we've been waiting for you," said Draken.

-Mikey? I asked.

-I asked. "Yes?

-Can I fight? I asked him hopefully.

-No way," he replied.

-Again?!? The only time I've ever fought for the clan was against the Black Dragon. And I remind you that it was when I founded the clan! I said, frowning.

-I know that," replied the chief. But no, you won't beat him.

-But why?!?

-I wouldn't take the slightest risk of something happening to you.

-I know how to fight!


I was startled.

Her face was closed and her tone unmistakable.

I turned back to the other person in the room.

-Draken! Say something! I exclaimed.

-I just... I agree with Mikey.

I sighed.

-I give up. I know I couldn't convince you. But.

I was missing a pose.

-There will be battles where you have no choice but to ask me to join the fight. I just hope that on that day I'm not too rusty.

I took three steps and then said one last sentence to them:

-That's all I have to say.

Then I was gone.

-Reina! Mikey called.

But I didn't know, I was angry at the moment.



I hope you're all right 👍🏻.

Reina's been angry twice in this chapter when she's never normally angry.

How is Mikey going to react? 🤔

More on that next episode ⏭️

By the way who is your favourite character in TR?



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