3 : 2005

418 6 1

Michi and I got together again last night. We watched films, did tricks and laughed at bloopers. Just like when we were kids.

I was currently in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me.

It was Takemichi, who didn't look awake at all.

I turned round to my little brother and gave him a big smile.

-Good morning, Michi. Looks like you managed to get up this morning! I teased him.

He gave me a thumbs-up in response.

I laughed a little.


Takemichi and I were walking towards the school in the middle of a crowd of other students.

-Ah! the school's dead... 8 o'clock in the morning stings the eyes. I'm a late bloomer! Michi muttered angrily.

I was about to reply when someone said:


-Hina! exclaimed my little brother.

His girlfriend chuckled.

-Congratulations on getting up on time!

It was a bit embarrassing to be holding the candle, so I said to Takemichi:

-Michi! I'm off, my friends are waiting for me.

-Ah, yes, OK.

-Oh! You don't want to stay, Reina? Hinata asked, a little disappointed.

-I don't want to annoy you," I replied, smiling.

-You're not bothering us at all! Right, Takemichi?

-No," assured my brother.

I tilted my head to one side, it was going to be difficult to refuse now.

-All right, I'll stay with you," I said.

Always smiling, of course.

-Brilliant! Hinata exclaimed.

Then she turned back to Takemichi.

-Tonight I'm going to study after school.

-Ah... Really? asked my brother, who didn't understand what she was getting at.

-Would you like to go for a walk in the meantime," Hinata asked.

I definitely didn't belong here.

I stopped walking and froze. The other students were overtaking me more and more.

When enough students had passed me, I started walking towards the school again, sighing.

Seriously, what shouldn't we do sometimes!


Classes had now started.

I was sitting at my desk, concentrating. Next to me, Rem was squirming in his chair.

-What's the matter, Rem? I asked her in a low voice.

She gave me an embarrassed look.

-I don't know, I just have a feeling.

I smiled at her.

-Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing serious," I reassured her.

She nodded, unconvinced.

About ten minutes later, screams rang out:

-Hey, who let you in here?

Someone spoke but I understood nothing.

-Where did you come from?

Then nothing.

The teacher stopped what he was doing and listened, worried.

As for me, I leapt to my feet. Frightening the students in my vicinity as I did so.

I ran out of the classroom, ignoring my teacher's shout:

-Hanagaki! Where are you going?!? Class isn't over yet!

I recognised Draken's voice!

I finally reached a corridor where a mass of students were gathered.

-What?!? Hanagaki's friends with Mickey?! whispered a student.

I opened my eyes wide. What?!?

-Keep your voice down you buffoon! We're going to get hammered again!

-Wah! He's actually a fucking rock!

I frowned. What the hell was going on?!

I was trying to get through the crowd to join my brother and my boyfriend when I heard a voice calling me.


I turned round to see who I was dealing with.

It was Hinata, she seemed panicked.

-What's the matter? she asked.

-That's what I'm trying to find out," I replied, glancing over the crowd in a vain attempt to see what was happening between Michi, Mikey and Draken.

I suddenly noticed my little brother's friends.

I knew them well, they often came to the house.

I was about to ask them what was going on when Yamagishi, who hadn't noticed me, exclaimed:

-It's hot! Mikey's got Takemichi!

-Really?!? He's going to kill him for sure !

Oh Michi, what have you done now?!? I had to intervene quickly, otherwise the situation was going to turn into a disaster!

-Is it true what you're saying?!? asked Hinata, who had also heard.

The two boys turned round and paled at the sight of me.

-Takemichi's older sister! And Tachibana too!

But the latter had already left.

-Not so fast! she exclaimed.

-No, Hinata, don't get involved!" I mumbled before joining her.

-Who are you? Draken asked Hinata.

And then, to everyone's surprise, she slapped Mikey.

I let out a little scream.

Then she grabbed Michi's hand and said:

-Let's get out of here! You must never give in to people like that. I'll protect you.

Glancing at her wrist, I saw that she was trembling.

Suddenly Draken made a move. I realised at once that he was going to grab Hinata's arm.

So I stepped in. Draken then grabbed my arm.

-Rei... he began before seeing that Hinata was moving away.

He shouted at her, without letting go of me:

-I'm going to beat the shit out of you, bitch. Did you think you could slap him and get away with it? But you cracked, didn't you?

Hinata opened her mouth but no words came out. She was terrified.

-I think it was you who snapped," I said, looking Draken in the eye.

I knew their methods, if Takemichi had even remotely threatened the Toman, he wouldn't have escaped unscathed. I had to react !


More in the next episode! 🫣

Reina replaced Hinata on this one, sorry to her fans 😅 .

Otherwise I hope you're still enjoying it 😊.

See you next time! 👋🏻


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