22 : 2005

31 0 0

-Takemichi... Hinata murmured.

-Kiyomasa, we still have a score to settle,' my little brother reminded him.

-Didn't we? said the member of the third division, frowning.

-We've got to finish our duel from the other day.

A duel? What duel? Did I miss an episode or something?

I glanced at Draken, who shook his head as if to say: Long story.

Akaishi stepped forward.

-Huh?!? What are you talking about, you fool?! You lost, don't act like it.

-I didn't lose,' declared my little brother with all the serenity in the world.

A vein appeared on Kiyomasa's face.

-Ha... I bet a billion on Takemichou! Draken exclaimed with a huge smile.

Everyone turned towards him.

-Huh?' said Takemichi, shocked.

I know it's stupid but I believe in you,' explained the vice-president, whose breathing was difficult.

-I'm betting a billion on my little brother too! I exclaimed.

He looked at me, moved.

-Big sis.

-Hinata shouted, 'A billion too.

-I'll match that! said Emma in turn.

-Huh? Emma?!? Takemichi said, shocked.

Kiyomasa stared at us for a moment before giving us a grin.

He turned to his companions.

-Did you hear that? They finally cracked completely!

-You're the one who snapped,' said Draken.


-Takemichou's going to beat the shit out of you!

The latter ran towards Kiyomasa, pointing and shouting:

-Go Kiyomasa! Come on !

The latter smiled and drew a knife.

Takemichi had a genius reflex and put his hand in front of him.

The knife sank in with a loud crack.

I screamed.

My little brother cried out in pain.

-You're a pain,' said Kiyomasa. I was going to kill you straight away... You've got good reflexes, I must admit.

-Takemichi! Hinata shouted.

-Sorry to spoil your fun, but this isn't a duel, it's an execution.

-Kill him Kiyomasa! Akaishi encouraged him.

I was going to do him when it was all over.

-But I'm cool, I'll put you out of your misery,' laughed his boss.

Takemichi ripped the knife from his hand with a loud cry, then rushed towards his enemy.

The latter gave him a violent kick that knocked my little brother to the ground.

-Well, Hanagaki! I didn't get hit once! I'm going to kill you with my bare hands.

Despite everything, Takemichi got up and rushed towards his enemy again, screaming.

He managed to squeeze his waist.

His enemy kneed him in the stomach.

-Takemichi! Hinata shouted.

I tried to get up but my legs gave way.

-Stay still! Emma begged.

The members of the third brigade weren't really helping us by shouting.

-Hey Hanagaki! You chick looks totally deg'!

-He's clinging on to Kiyomasa like a fucking leech!

But my brother didn't give up and bit Kiyomasa with all his might.


-He bit him, the bastard!

-Stop being a clown! What are you, in first grade?!

They don't understand that when you want to save someone you use all the means at your disposal. Takemichi does it because he has to, because he wants to save his friend. Despite his hand and his weakness, he gives his all. That's what not giving up means.

-Get the fuck off me! Kiyomasa shouted.

My brother managed to strangle him.


He tightened his grip around his opponent's neck.

-Get the fuck off me! Kiyomasa articulated, starting to run out of air.

-Don't let go, Takemichou! Draken shouted.

-Keep it up, it'll soon be over! I encouraged him.

After a final effort to stay awake, Kiyomasa collapsed, unconscious.-Did I win? my brother asked.I've had it... My revenge...

-Takemichi! Hinata shouted as she started to join him.

-Don't come any closer, Hina,' I warned her. It's not over yet.-Are you happy, Hanagaki?Akaishi asked, pulling out a dagger.

-Shame on you, Kiyomasa!exclaimed a random guy.-I'm going to kill you,' replied Akaishi.

-Hina. Takemichi said as he got to his feet.Go with Emma and Reina. Draken and I'll be fine.

-He's right,' I said. You go, but I'm staying.I'm part of the Toman, whatever it takes.The two girls ran off.-Draken...What do you think?What's heaven like?asked my little brother.The vice-president of the Toman smiled and stood up, one hand on his wound.

-Don't dream.You're going to hell, that's for sure.-Ahah. What makes you say that?I haven't done anything wrong.

-You didn't?They look like big deterrents! I'm fed up, seriously,' observed Akaishi.

My brother staggered but caught himself.

-One more flick and you'll collapse,' said Draken.

-And what about you? Have you looked at yourself?

Both smiled determinedly.

Then they ran screaming towards their opponents.

-Kill them! they shouted.

The fighters were getting closer and closer.

My eyes were riveted on Akaishi's knife.

Suddenly Atsushi came out of nowhere and threw a punch at Akaishi.

-What was that? I said, surprised. What's all this about?

 Hello 😊

How are you?

Do you like Reina's personality?

Honestly, I'm having a hard time writing this part of the story because I don't like her too much 😅. I can't wait for it to end.


Bye bye 👋🏻

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