12 : 2005

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-What's that? That's got nothing to do with it! Draken exclaimed, frowning.

As for me, I stared at Mikey in total incomprehension. What the hell was that guy talking about?

-I think he was," retorted the Toman leader.

There was a moment's silence where the tension was palpable.

I decided to break it.

-Hey," I said, abandoning my eternal smile for once. Draken and I just said that it would be more prudent to find out about the Moebius clan before attacking them. Don't you think accusing us of treason is a gross lack of respect for us?

Beside me Takemichi looked at me as if I'd just killed someone.

Mitsuya grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

-Rei, this really isn't the time," he murmured anxiously.

I tore my arm away from him.

-No, Taka, I really don't find this funny.

I turned to Mikey.

-I think you owe us an apology.

Mikey was about to say something when an unfamiliar voice interrupted:

-Sorry to barge in when you're settling scores, but it'd be cool if you could stop talking about us all the time. You little wankers.

We all turned to see who was speaking.

A red uniform with the symbol of the Moebius clan, it was...


-Calm down, kid," replied the gang leader, a smile on his lips.

What's he doing here? I thought, surprised.

Beside me, my little brother frowned.

-Bastard... ! exclaimed Pachin.

Osanai smiled.

-I'm two years older than you, so please call me Mr Bastard," he said, pointing his comb at the captain of the third division.

The latter let out a cry of rage and rushed towards the member of Moebius to hit him.

But, faster and stronger, the elder Moebius dodged with ease and punched him in the face.

His opponent fell heavily to the ground.

-That's what I thought, you're a bunch of losers.

-Pachin! Peyan and I shouted together.

Osanai took a step forward.

-The Tokyo Manjikai? he asked snidely. From now on, I'm renaming you the 'Union of Little Wankers'.

Then, snapping his fingers, he continued:

-We were told you were looking for a fight.

At his signal the Moebius gang (with guns) burst into the hangar and surrounded us.

-So we came to take the lead! Mikey...

The Toman leader glared at his counterpart.

-It's war, you bastards!

Mikey stood up.

-Do you need so many of you against these 'little wankers'? You're just like I thought you'd be, Osanai. A coward. he said with a smile.

-What did you say? What did you say? Speak up, midget!" mocked the opposing leader.

The rest of the gang burst out laughing.

Suddenly Osanai turned to Takemichi.

-Hey! Where have you been staring at me like that all this time?

-Wasn't it? No, I...

He didn't have time to finish his sentence because he was punched in the face.

-You're taking the piss, aren't you? I can't stand people looking at me like that! the gang leader snapped, landing one blow after another.

-Michi! I shouted.

I felt a hand grab my wrist to stop me intervening.

It was Mikey.

-Rei. Shut up and watch.

Pachin suddenly blocked Osanai's arm.

-I'm going to take care of you," he said.

Takemichi muttered something and the head of the third division answered him violently.

Peyan took hold of him and explained who Pachin was.

-That's not the problem! exclaimed my brother, trying to get to his feet.

-Takemichi. You do like your sister, just shut up and watch. It's up to Pachin to sort it out," said Mikey, without letting go of me.

The battle in front of us soon turned one-sided.

The commander of the third division was being slaughtered.

After a while, Pachin took a particularly powerful blow.

-Damn! It hit him right in the face! exclaimed Peyan.

-You couldn't even squash an ant, you crazy bastard!" said Pachin, more faint than conscious.

-PACHIN! exclaimed his vice-captain, rushing towards him.

As for me, I tried to free my wrist but Mikey's grip only tightened.

-Peyan! You too, shut up and watch," ordered the leader of the Toman.

-... Sorry, Mikey...

Takemichi leapt to his feet:

-You want us to sit on our hands! You can't do that, Mikey! Pachin's got a broken nose, he can barely stand up! He's gonna die if we don't do something! We've got to stop the massacre.

The vice around my wrist will tighten again.

-Please stop, let go of me! Please, you're hurting me!

In response, Mikey smiled at Michi.

-Why did he smile? Pachin hasn't let go yet.

-OK," said my little brother, in a panic. But please let go of Reina, she really looks like she's in pain!

The head of the Toman finally seemed to hear my request and he immediately let go of me.

My wrist was bruised from the pressure.

His eyes widened when he saw what he'd done.

-Rei, I'm...

-I know you didn't do it on purpose," I cut him off. But take a look at Pachin. He's going to collapse.

Which he did on Mikey's shoulder.


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I've cut out the fight between Pachin and Osanai because, honestly, I didn't feel like describing it.

On the other hand, Mikey needs to learn to control his strength.

Otherwise, I hope you're still enjoying the story.

Bye 👋🏻


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