20 : 2005

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Mitsuya turned to Peyan and shouted angrily:

-You stupid bastard! Where do you get off allying yourself with those bastards! And how dare you do this to Reina!

-Shut up, you! You're dead too!

-It's Mitsuya, one of the brigade captains. Watch out,' said a Moebius to his colleagues, who nodded.

I looked back at my little brother, my vision becoming increasingly blurred.

He always seemed elsewhere.

-Michi. I called to him in a firm voice.

He jumped up and crouched down beside me.

-Yes,' he said, his voice still trembling. What's wrong, Reina?

I took a deep breath to keep my eyes open and reminded him:

-We're not going to sort this out by panicking. So pull yourself together! If it makes you feel any better, my wound is far from mortal.

My words seemed to wake my brother up and he shook his head.

-You cowards! Emma shouted angrily. You attacked him from behind with a bat! Have you seen how many of you there are? You bunch of wimps!

I knew she was really worried about me and Draken. But I didn't want her to put herself in danger.

-Mitsuya!' said Draken. I've already killed about twenty of them, I'll leave you to deal with the rest. I'll protect Rei.

-OK, then!

Nearby, Takemichi seemed to be actively looking for someone.

I wasn't that worried about him, I was already having trouble staying awake.

-Do you want to beat us both? asked a random Moebius, referring to Michi and Mitsuya.

-Shut the fuck up! replied the latter with a smile.

-Kill those three bastards! shouted the vice captain of the third division.

I tried to get up but fell to the ground again.

-REINA! Emma and Draken shouted at the same time.

-Peyan. I said hoarsely. It's not like you to send others into battle for you. I know you, you're a good person. So what's the point?

-Shut up! Peyan exclaimed nervously. You don't know a thing! You don't know anything!

Suddenly we heard a motorbike roar towards us.

-Mikey! I whispered faintly.

-Pffff! About time! Draken smiled.

-That... said Mitsuya.

-It's Mikey's CB 250 T,' added his friend.

The leader of the Toman stopped behind the Moebius, causing a waterspout.

-Mikey! cried my brother and Peyan at the same time.

He suddenly saw me on the ground, widened his eyes and ran towards me.

-What's happened? he asked, touching the blood on my face with a trembling hand. How did...? ?

-I'm sorry,' Draken apologised. I wasn't paying attention and she took a hit for me.

His leader turned silently towards the Moebius, who flinched.

-How dare you attack the person who means the most to me! I swear you'll pay dearly for this! he shouted with a frightening look in his eyes.

Our opponents trembled.

-From what I can see,' Mikey continued, 'you called me elsewhere to take on Draken. It would have been all my fault and the clan would have split in two. Unfortunately for you, Reina took the hit instead.


So that was it! I thought.

-It wasn't your idea,' said Mikey. Answer me, who put that in your head?

Oh, we agree!

-So, Mikey, do you ever go berserk? I'm surprised at you...

Everyone turned towards a boy about our age. He was very tall and had .... tattoos on his hands.

I recognised those tattoos! That means that this boy was Shuji Hanma, one of the most prominent members of Moebius.

-Who are you? Mikey asked abruptly.

-Normally I wouldn't even answer that. Let's just say I'm in charge of the Moebius gang at the moment. I'm Hanma.

The leader of the Toman came towards him.

-So you're the weirdo behind all this who's been picking on my girl?

-Shut up, Mik... Hanma smiled.

But he was interrupted by a violent kick from Mikey.

But he was quick enough to block the blow.

-Emma... I said. I think I'm hallucinating from the blood loss...

-You're not dreaming,' Mitsuya shouted. He parried Mikey's slash!

Next to us, Draken was also shocked.

-Don't be in such a hurry... Hanma replied phlegmatically. You fucking hurt me...

He took a deep breath:

-My goal is to destroy the Tokyo Manjikai. I've been itching to do the dirty work, so I've pitted you against each other.

He paused for a moment, then exclaimed, putting his left hand over his left eye.

-But in the end, it looks like I'm going to have to kill you myself! Hanma shouted with a demented smile.

I shuddered. What a madman this guy is!


Hello 😊

How are you?

In this chapter I tried to show the relationship between Mikey and Reina. Because honestly, I hadn't developed it much in the previous chapters.

That's all I had to say.

Bye bye 👋🏻


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