Minho Imagine

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First I love you

Minho's Pov

Where was Y/n? She should have been back already. I'm starting to regret letting her become a runner. I never should have let her. Now as I see the time getting closer to closing, I realized that I'd never be able to tell her I loved her. The doors started to close and I knew what I had to do. I've already survived a night in the Maze with Thomas and no doubt I'll be able to do it again. I darted through the doors and barely made it. The Maze became eerily quiet. Something felt off. I shook the thought out of my head and went to find Y/n. Hopefully she's okay.

Y/n Pov

I was trying to find my way back through the Maze. Minho must be so worried about me. If only I hadn't gotten my foot caught I'd be in his arms. Now I'm not so sure if I'd ever see him again. I'd never tell him I loved him. Sure we had been dating a while but he had to know I loved him. As I rounded a corner, I ran into something.

"Y/n! " it was Minho screaming my name

"Minho! What are you doing here?" I asked him. " Now we're both going to die! "

" Don't worry. I'll get us out. After all I've done this before."

I just shook my head. Even in a situation like this he manages to joke around. He grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me back toward the Glade entrance. Suddenly I heard a whir behind me. The sound grew louder until I realized what it was. A Griever.

" Minho! We've got to run!" I yelled.

"What? Why?..." He turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

He didn't hesitate to pull me along as we weaved through the corridors. After we rounded a corner he pulled me into the bushes. Before I tried to protest, he slapped his hand over my mouth. We heard the Griever charging by. It stopped right in front of us. Even though we were well concealed I was sure this would be the end. We waited for what felt like forever until the Griever left. I turned to look at Minho.

"I have to tell you something," I said.

" Me too," Minho replied.

" You first," What if he wanted to break up with me for putting his life in danger? What if he didn't feel the same way? What if.....

" I love you." He said with the most sincere and serious expression on his face that I had ever seen on him. My lips twitched into a smile.

" I love you too."

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